PSY323H1 Lecture : Lecture 5

47 views2 pages
18 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Functions of prescriptive stereotypes: rationalization helps maintain and legitimize social hierarchies. To maintain feelings that one"s society is just. men tend to display weak in-group bias. Strong associations of women with warmth and family. men with agentic competence and careers: on iat, adults" implicit responses look more like the children"s explicit ones. both groups link the in-group with warm and the out-group with cold. both link the in-group with power if presented as power vs. weak . If researchers control for the automatic tendency to match good with the self (or in-group), iat shows strong stereotypic associations. Prescriptive stereotyping: much of the content of gender stereotypes = prescriptive! Support traits that fit traditional gender roles and subsequent power differentials. men: business sense, athleticism, leadership ability, and self-reliance ( traits useful for provider and protector roles)