PSY210H1 Lecture Notes - Sickle-Cell Disease, Surrogacy, Fallopian Tube

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12 Sep 2012

Document Summary

Ppl made thru envt or genetics: ex. New syllabus w proper readings posted tmrw. Tests: noncumulative: multiple choice (from txtbk, short answer (from lecture) Piaget = most influential person in developmental psych. Argumentative paper take a side and argue it, try to convince the reader that they are correct. Should be grounded in research and in fact. Talk about why the other side is wrong so the other argument in addressed. Make an informed decision about a particular topic. Thesis statement: trying to sum up essay in one sentence: can disprove another argument. Can use evidence to support our personal beliefs/experiences: can use personal pronouns (ex. Inherit chromosomes from mother & father: 23 chromosome pairs, 46 chromosomes in total, made of strands of dna. Genes: segments of dna along a chromosome: determines all physiological being, can affect basic personality, how view world, intelligence, emotional responses & empathy, phenomenally important to development. Humans 99% genetically similar: 1% many difs.