PSY210H1 Lecture Notes - Self-Perception Theory, Cognitive Dissonance, Leon Festinger

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7 Jun 2012

Document Summary

Scientific study of how our behaviour is systematically affected by others and the behaviours of others, situations allow us to behave in similar ways. Personality is how one individual differs in one situation to the next, social psychology is the situation itself and how it affects peoples behaviours. As a social species we are always in the real or imaginary presence of others. Attitude is the corner stone of social psychology (like how traits are of relevance to personality) An attitude is an evaluation of anything that can constitute a noun (person, places or things) Of all the things that we can evaluate, ourselves are not included with respect to attitude, evaluations of ourselves is self-efficacy, self-esteem. Attitudes involve appraisals of good and bad about things other than ourselves. Infinite range of attitude, everything you can evaluate you have an attitude towards (sky diving is.