POL101Y1 Lecture : Dependent Development

78 views5 pages
16 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Equitable development: interested in the redistributive aspects of development, life chances? (e. g. infant mortality) Capacity: having the skills/education/experience in order to continually develop. Sustainable development: sustaining over the long-term (socioeconomic development); environmental concerns. Political development: democratic reform is seen to be political development (in western perspective) Argues that free trade benefits the hegemon, not everyone. Negative sum (some nations will benefit in the expense of others); disproportionately benefits the hegemon. Requires the visible hand of government to create comparative advantage in order to compete with the hegemon: efforts by governments to develop their own countries (i. e. tariffs, manipulation of www. notesolution. com currency) (iii) the leninist view. Capitalism has its own contradictions that would bring itself to an end. The highest order of capitalism is not its own demise, but rather is monopoly capitalism (i. e. huge firms accrue so much capital over time that it cannot invest in itself anymore; must find companies in other countries)