HIS103Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 23: Public Relations Exercise, Civilizing Mission, Halfway House

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11 May 2018
Why want to claim entire continent?
European powers rely on informal empire - formal empire (settling, claiming as
sovereign) is expensive, and not necessary
Explosion of formal empire again in late 1800s
Colonization of Africa was unplanned
Were they strategic? What makes for good / bad strategy?
Ability of Europeans to do what they do does not explain what they did
Did not think glory / interests of country required more territory in Africa
Paradox that great leaders of Europe were not rabid imperialists
Avid imperialist
Saw Congo as own personal state
Inflict suffering on people of Congo - drive to harvest rubber
King Leopold of Belgium
Can't look simply to great leaders to understand why
Not purely economics - although there were some seeing hope of economic benefit
Nor was it civilizing mission - this would become important to justify upholding an
imperial control in Africa, but did not drive partition
Break down events in Africa and in global international relations to understand partition
(1) to defeat pirates on coast
(2) as an effort to prop up and advertise glory of Bourbon monarchy -->
public relations exercise
Begins series of wars there in a bid
Held influence in East (Tunisia) and in Cairo
French had increased economic activity in region
Economies of Algeria and increasing Tunisia, and Egypt relied on economic
links with Europe
Financial crash strikes in 1870s : major financial problems / brink of
financial ruin
By 1870s, things have changed in Tunisia
Immediately, French in Algeria call for invasion of Tunisia - few in France
want this
French Premiere says : 'an expedition to Tunisia in election year? Cannot
think it' --> unpopular in France
Other ministers have promised to support French Premiere --> invade
Goal of invasion is to demonstrate French Power
Goal at outset is not to add another colony to France
Treaty with Tunisia : Tunisia is a protectorate, they are responsible for most
of their affairs, not an occupation, but must comply with Paris is some ways
Willingness of new leader to make a treaty with France throws his
legitimacy in question --> humbling / humiliating nature of the fact that the
ruler of Tunisia had to strike a deal with a stronger power
New relationship with France irritates many in Tunisia --> Fighting breaks
Militarily can defeat Tunisians
French are now in a difficult situation
1881 : Pro-French ruler of Tunisia is replaced by Tunisians who are determined to
oppose French influence
1830 : France invaded Algeria
Partition of Africa
Empire and Informal Empire
February 13, 2017
7:36 PM
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Militarily can defeat Tunisians
Informal empire has not worked (signing protectorate) --> Either
no empire or formal empire
French choose to stay --> conquer and rule Tunisia
Politicians : what happens if you use the French army to conquer
Economic situation affected Egypt as well
Putting pressure on Egyptians to pay back debts incurred during
economic crisis
Under influence of British and the French
Turn Egyptian army into anti-European army
Much of the army takes an anti-European stance under sway of
Colonial Ahmad Urabi
Prime Minister Gladstone : Egypt for the Egyptians
Uprising directed against Europeans, and against Egyptian ruler (who had
been cooperating with Europeans)
Other problems in Africa
1882 : British, second Anglo-African war
French have interest in Egypt have to decide over Tunisia, don't want to
fight over any colonies any more
Put pressure on Colonial to reconcile with ruler
Don't care what happens in Europe as long as Egyptians pay back debts
and remain part of financial control system that British / French have set up
over Egypt
Opposed by Egyptians
Trying to govern a region that doesn't want to be governed by Europe
No new Indias --> don't want responsibility for Egypt
Fall back on tools of informal empire - coerce Egyptians into
Invading Egypt would be a bad idea
Backfires when some kill Europeans in city of Alexandria
Don't meekly give in
French navy sails away, but British remain
To prove they are serious - bombard Egypt, intended to show British
This is even worse --> widespread revolt across Egypt, Urabi swears
to fight Britain
Egypt coming together against British
Britain is not an island, but an empire
There is no British strategy, but British imperial strategy
Need to defend routes to India at all costs
Critical, not because of Egypt, but because of India
Suez : Shave off distance from which troops can reach India
Had already raised stakes with show of force and
bombardment - shouldn't backdown
Defeats Egyptian army, captures Colonials
Promises to bring them back once Egypt can 'manage
their own affairs' - when and how?
British will now govern Egypt
Many governors will come from experience in India
Deep distrust of local nationalist movements
Becomes extremely difficult for Brits in Egypt to see what
1882 British army will land in Egypt
What to do??
Send naval squadron off coast of Egypt - big demonstration
Stirrings in Egypt
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Becomes extremely difficult for Brits in Egypt to see what
point Egyptians can manage own affairs
Weaken Egyptian army - Sudan armies rises up against
British have to take responsibility for Egypt against Sudanese
'we have now been forced into position of being protectors of
Empires replacing Empires - initially trying to prop up allies, but
as they take actions to weaken rulers, it undoes the influence /
stability provided by system of affairs in Africa pre intervention
Now British have to defend Egypt
Ultimately chose formal empire rather than back away from problem
'appetite had grown with the eating'
British would need to continue to push territorial gains away from
areas they were trying to protect
Both cases : trying to use informal empire and failed
French action in Tunisia, and British action in Egypt, and Bismarck's political problems
that he wanted to solve with colonial adventure
British / French tension - French want to regain influence in Egypt, almost
drive them to war to regain
12 states would gather to discuss Africa as a European continent
Bismarck called conference partially to try and drive deeper wedge
between British / French
Local forces, traders, everyone seeking to expand their position
in Africa
Other states recognized growing tensions in Africa - not necessarily
between states
How to move forward in Africa
Banned slave trade in Africa
Conference designed to set rules for annexation of African territory
Partial cause that Leopold gains Congo free state
Did not come aiming to take over more land - in fact, the great powers
were trying to find other powers that would take responsibilities in
'As long as we keep other people out, we need not be in a
hurry to go in'
British 'has it best' - trying to keep powers governed by rules, keep
conflict down
Govern expansion of territory
Avoiding power vacuum that might cause conflict
Role of Africans totally missing from strategic calculations of
great powers as they move to annex more of Africa
French expansion into West Africa - 1902 massive territory
Who is missing from story?? --> Africans
Bismarck would call Berlin Conference of 1884 / 85
Achieved by war, open conflict against Africans
New empire replacing an old empire
Continent was not dormant, struggles for power in Africa for centuries
Struggles for power in Africa started in 8th century with expansion of
Islam in Africa and creation of enormous ancient empires (Mali,
By the time the French were fighting, they were against a series of
Largely the result of efforts to enhance security of Algeria (and Tunisia to an
1880s : strangle for Africa was on
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