HIS102Y1 Lecture : Comparing nazi and soviet occupations

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Soviets attacked poland, occupied 50% of territory, also occupied purely polish territories. 1940, soviets incorporated lithuania, estonia, latvia and moldova, these countries disappeared. 1939, red army attacked finland, lost 1 mil soldiers. Finns had to ask for armistice and had to give up some territory. Stalin was crafty and diplomatic, gave land to some countries and held elections in western. Soviet union began deporting people, (mostly jews and aristocrats ) to siberia- 500 00 ppl. Changed the ethnic background of territories and replaced it with czechs, poles, ukrainians, Pre-war soviet citizens, sent to territories to establish. Both systems worked against worked against national elites. Ppl were supposed to have non cultural/education background. Crime of katyn- 10 000 polish generals killed by soviets- poisoned soviet/polish relations. Mass grave discovered in the forests of katyn by germans. Soviet couldn"t have released them because polish would become there enemy.