BCH210H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 23: Membrane Protein, Anomer, Reducing Sugar

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BCH210H1 Full Course Notes
BCH210H1 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

2x 2. 5% online quizzes: 10 questions completed in 15 minutes, available for 24 hours beginning at. 12pm on sunday until 12pm on monday: november 12th 13th: lectures 23-25, november 19th-20th: lectures 26-68. 30% final exam: all lectures 23-35, format: 45 mcqs, 3 hours. Carbohydrates: essential biomolecules with a variety of simple and complex structures, sian patterson, ph. d, friday, october 27th and tuesday, october 31st. Garrett et al: chapter 7, sections 1-5, end of chapter problems: 1, 4, 14, 20, review questions posted on blackboard. Carbohydrates in biochemistry: bacterial cell walls contain polysaccharides in their peptidoglycan layer (antibiotics, agarose and agar are polysaccharides used to run. Lectins can recognize and bind different sugars: glycophorin a has lots of sugar chains on the amino acids (ser, thr) with free hydroxyls that help bind to the sugar chains, contributes to the mn antigen. Simple monosaccharides three different sugars are quite prevalent: glucose (6 member ring) fructose (5 member ring) sucrose (disaccharide)