PSYB30H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Criterion Validity, Projective Test, Standardized Test

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18 Apr 2012

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Motives are why we act the way we do. Needs and motives are interchangeable in his view. Mccleellands definition of a motvie/need:, a recurrent preferences or readiness for a particular quality of experience, which energizes, directs, and selects behaviour in certain situations. He doesn"t mean needs that we all need equaly (like need to water) He looked at needs similar to how we would need chocolate, some people live without it, some people really want it. A motive or need distinguishes a need from one person to another. It orients us to particular kinds of situations. Its like a lens or a filter that makes you think in the perspective of the motive/need. Directs us to perform certain ebahviours that lead us to our desires. Motive is not equal to conscieous intention (some of the most important motives are unconsicoue also) So he often talks about implicit mtoives motives we cannot self report on (outside out conscious mind)