HLTB21H3 Lecture 3: PLagues and people lecture 3.docx

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Test: disease ecology, bubonic plague, plagues of antiquity (lecture 2 and 3) Predominant diseases during hunter gatherer society : high transmission, parasites that can go into the exterior environment, vectors that help transfer diseases , sexually transmitted diseases. Move to agriculture and the emergence of epidemic diseases. Dfcrowding diseases emerged due to the high population, industrialization and pollution which affected the external environment. Characterized by parasites with long transmission stages : lay eggs, eggs become larvae, the eggs enter the human body and the cycle repeats itself. The parasites can get easily transmitted through person to person contact. Nile valley of egypt- agriculture and irrigation- the nile was great for agriculture for growing and selling crops. But it created an environment where the spread of disease was immenent. Snail fever or blood fluke disease/endemic hematuria/ shcistosomiasis. Parasites start as microscopic eggs (parasitic eggs) they become adult worms where they enter the body and live in tiny blood vessels.