GGRC21H3 Lecture : Week 10 Guest Speaker

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Guest speaker fiona chapman, manager, pedestrian projects, city of toronto. Public health and safety imperative: coordinated and linking implementation framework. In part because of better technology, faster response time, etc. Pedestrian definition: any person who is not in or upon a vehicle, motorized or otherwise propelled, or riding upon an animal. 6 action areas 52 actions: leadership and support for walking, promoting a culture of walking, children no longer walk to school, we are getting more and more inactive and obese children. In toronto, there"s all sorts of information about where you are and want to go www. notesolution. com: give everybody (tourists, residents, commuters) the comfort level to take public transit and have maps. If you"re on an arterial road, you must have a sidewalk on both sides: on local roads, there should be a sidewalk on at least one side, arrow = pedestrian clearways.

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