GASA02H3 Lecture : You're welcome

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Epigenesist vs. preformation (grows from one thing, to the finished product vs. Planted the finished product, it grows until it"s big enough. Reading 2. 1 (6-7 century) indian (no mention of religion in this reading) The three dosas (harmful forces, but when they are in balance, they provide perfect health) Before you were born, you have perfect health, but after, you depend on dosas. A woman pregnant for 1st time, comes in contact with an unclean woman (whose baby have died), she might be accessible to the childsnatcher. *contact means anything the unclean woman might have used or touched. Reading 2. 4 buddhist religious text (robert kritzer, garbhavakrantisutra) Normal pregnancy: the foetus is aware of agony in the womb, and past birth on birth, the memory of its past births disappears as it is being squeezed out. Birth of the buddha: queen dreams of a white elephant, buddha comes out and walks its first steps.

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