EESA10H3 Lecture Notes - Indoor Air Quality, Hypercapnia, Smog

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Airborne hazards: today we will discuss two types of air pollutants, outdoor air pollution. They are natural and manufactured: natural include forest fires, volcanoes most of them that we cannot avoid, manufactured has different kinds of industry and the burning of fossil fuels. Is a chemical gas that has three oxygen atoms combined. In los angeles there is also a big problem with photochemical smog. In cold climates the problem is not that, it is less significant. In the morning and in the evening the concentration is lower. Scientists and experts found something very interesting that people that exercise outside a lot are more vulnerable. It is logical because many urban people exercise on the street to gather with the emissions and gases and they breathe deeper, take in much more air in their lungs. These particulate matter can be associated with acidic material acids as these acids damage the lungs a lot (very dangerous to our lungs)