ANT101H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Abrigo Do Lagar Velho, Zhoukoudian, Homo Heidelbergensis
Document Summary
Homo sapiens: anatomically modern humans: time and place. 40,000 or 15,000ya in australia to the present. They look so different that we say that they"re a different species. Page 105: what happened with the homo line, top model: shows the gradual process of evolution. There is an early group of homo, some go extinct. Homo erectus branches out and eventually becomes early homo heidelbergenis. Neanderthals split off from later heidelbergenis: bottom model: shows each group as a separate species, where there is a rapid evolutionary change through transitional species which are not yet discovered, page 275-277, transition models. : process of evolution from premoderns to homo sapiens: regional continuity: multi-regional evolution model: only uses fossil evidence, no. An idea that some populations of premoderns in africa, asia and europe all evolved into homo sapiens. There has to have been significant interbreeding between premoderns and moderns, and significant interbreeding across all regions or this model to hold true.