ECO 2117 Lecture 15: mar 21 2016 lecture notes

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Poor families: higher costs and lower bene ts: Lower quality of teaching (in public or low cost private schools) The result is a disproportionate representation of middle an high income class students in post secondary education. Poor student have a lower chance of completing education. Large gains in health outcomes are not evenly distributed. Unequal distribution of health inputs (better clinics/centres in urban areas and/or private clinics which are too expensive for the poor) Higher wages allow purchasing better health and healthier workers get better paid jobs. Height is an indicator of general health status (increases as living standards increase and re ects various bene ts achieved early in life) A healthy population is a prerequisite for development. Health systems have a primary purpose to promote, restore, and maintain health. Variability in ef ciency and effectiveness of health systems (per dollar ef ciency) Reasons for government role in health systems: Poor people are less informed about health and healthy practices.