AHSS 1140 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Pacific Scandal, Serbian Language, Boondoggle

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Mechanism of Bureaucracy, Ethics, Accountability & Corruption in Canadian Politics
Conflict of Interest
Conflict of interest -a situation in which a public official has a personal interest sufficient to influence, or to
appear to influence, the objective exercise of his or her official duties.
Types of Conflicts of Interest
accepting benefits;
outside employment moonlighting
Code of Ethics -a statement of principles and standards about the right conduct of public officials
Federal Government Code
The Pacific Scandal
Occurred under 1st PM-John Macdonald
Lots of patronage, negativism (I scratch your back you scratch mine)
Things were diff in 1973, he was trying to build a railway -try to ask for a bid of contracts, contractor
w/best offer will win bid
Hue Ellen wanted to win gov't contract, he started bribing PM, started as small amounts-towards the
end PM started asking for more
PM asked sr. Hue Ellen, asked for $10,000 and this ended bid.
Lost election because of this scandal.
King-Byng Affair
When Makenzie King was PM
He went to Gov Gen, he said no to calling an election, this became an affair more than a scandal bc
Governor General said no to a prime minister.
King's gov was corrupt, Gov Gen felt as if it was best not to call another election
Gerda Munsinger Scandal
1970's, during the height of the Cold War
Early 60's lot of communication bw Canada, US, Europe-due to exchange policies (esp nuclear policies)
Gerda: intelligent woman who had an affair with the defence minister, people were concerned that she
was a spy, which caused her to swoop around to find secret info relating to the cold war to report to
Defence Minister having this affair with her, denied it, there was lots of proof that he was seen socially
w this women. He was told to resign because of the infringement of national security.
Canadas first spy & sex scandal,
Hospital Document Scandal
Cabinet Minister forged abortion papers for a girl that he was having an affair with
Resigned his position as a cabinet minister
He never got charged
Delt with the minister of fisheries, one of the things to do as a part of your job are to sign off on any
new types of food released from a factory
Overturned an order from his own inspectors from the StarKiss Tuna Factory, the minister ignored the
inspectors claims saying it was bad because he knew he was going to get money from it
A few people ate the tuna and got very sick, the factories owners lobbied and paid money to ministers
campaign to get money.
Mulroney asked Fraiser to resign-they have to be responsible from their action, asking them to resign is
an easy cop out way to not take accountability-this was a huge deal (both Fraiser and Mulroney were
involved in the scandal).
In this case Fraiser should have resigned on his own account, what goes on in cabinet is very confusing
when using power wisely (he should have been fired and Mulroney should have taken accountability for
this scandal, taking initiative).
Mulroney's actions did not make him popular, Fraiser then became a speaker for the HOC.
Mulroneys Ministers
A lot of his cabinet minsters lost an average of 1 cabinet minister per year because of some sort of
Found guilty of impaired driving
Used a tax payers credit card at a strip club while on a state visit
Joke about gun in plane-told to resign
A lot of other examples as well-these things are unnecessary,
APEC Inquiry7.
Airbus 8.
Billion-Dollar Boondoggle 9.
Modern Scandals? Robocall, F-15 jets, Senate scandal
Code of Ethics
Drawbacks of Codes of Ethics
broad ethical principles are often difficult to apply to specific situations; -what precisely does it mean to
practice to put loyalty to the highest moral and to country
even if they contain detailed provisions, codes are difficult to enforce; 2)
the large scale and complexity of government make it difficult to draft codes that can be applied fairly and
they adversely affect the individual rights and private lives of public officials4)
certain ethical and value issues are not amenable to management5)
Benefits of Codes of Ethics
1) unwritten rules make content and penalties open to debate;
2) they can promote public trust and confidence in the ethical behaviour of public officials;
3) they can reduce unethical practices by discouraging and punishing them;
4) they can sensitise public officials to the importance of the ethical and value dimensions of their decisions and
5) the rights and participation of public officials may be enhanced (such as political partisanship and outside
Ethics Commissioner:Office of conflict of interest and Ethics Commission -official appointed by government to
oversee rules and codes governing public conduct
Ethics Commissioner
Enforces Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for Canada
appointed by Prime Minister
Values and Ethics Code for Public Servants/ House of Commons/Politicians
Public Interest
Public interest -the best possible accommodation of conflicting interests
Criteria of Judgement
1) legitimacy-actors of the political system have the right to demand certain actions
2) expediency assess the relative strengths of sanctions, which political actors may impose
3) morality you need to engage in resolving conflicts based on values of the highest moral and ethical principles
Objectively Responsible Bureaucrats -feel responsible primarily to the legal or formal locus of authority and take
a passive approach to the determination of the public interest.
Subjectively Responsible Bureaucrats -feel responsibility to a broad range of policy participants and are active in
the pursuit of the public interest.
Accountability those who hold government power must be answerable and responsive to the people for the way in
which that power is exercised.
Four Components of Accountability
1) assignment of responsibilities;
2) obligation to answer for their fulfilment;
3) evaluation of the performance of the responsibilities;
4) sanctions/rewards based on the evaluation.
Creation of Ethics Commissioner
Guidelines on Cabinet Minster’s Personal Political Activities office of privacy commission -
Open Government -https://pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2015/11/27/open-and-accountable-government
Respect for Democracy
Respect for People
W8 Mechanism of Bureaucracy, Ethics, Accountability & Corruption in Canadian Politics
Wednesday,* March*7,*2018
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Mechanism of Bureaucracy, Ethics, Accountability & Corruption in Canadian Politics
Conflict of Interest
Conflict of interest -a situation in which a public official has a personal interest sufficient to influence, or to
appear to influence, the objective exercise of his or her official duties.
Types of Conflicts of Interest
accepting benefits; 1.
outside employment moonlighting 2.
Code of Ethics -a statement of principles and standards about the right conduct of public officials
Federal Government Code
Top 10 Political Scandals
The Pacific Scandal
Occurred under 1st PM-John Macdonald
Lots of patronage, negativism (I scratch your back you scratch mine)
Things were diff in 1973, he was trying to build a railway -try to ask for a bid of contracts, contractor
w/best offer will win bid
Hue Ellen wanted to win gov't contract, he started bribing PM, started as small amounts-towards the
end PM started asking for more
PM asked sr. Hue Ellen, asked for $10,000 and this ended bid.
Lost election because of this scandal.
King-Byng Affair
When Makenzie King was PM
He went to Gov Gen, he said no to calling an election, this became an affair more than a scandal bc
Governor General said no to a prime minister.
King's gov was corrupt, Gov Gen felt as if it was best not to call another election
Gerda Munsinger Scandal
1970's, during the height of the Cold War
Early 60's lot of communication bw Canada, US, Europe-due to exchange policies (esp nuclear policies)
Gerda: intelligent woman who had an affair with the defence minister, people were concerned that she
was a spy, which caused her to swoop around to find secret info relating to the cold war to report to
Defence Minister having this affair with her, denied it, there was lots of proof that he was seen socially
w this women. He was told to resign because of the infringement of national security.
Canadas first spy & sex scandal,
Hospital Document Scandal
Cabinet Minister forged abortion papers for a girl that he was having an affair with
Resigned his position as a cabinet minister
He never got charged
Delt with the minister of fisheries, one of the things to do as a part of your job are to sign off on any
new types of food released from a factory
Overturned an order from his own inspectors from the StarKiss Tuna Factory, the minister ignored the
inspectors claims saying it was bad because he knew he was going to get money from it
A few people ate the tuna and got very sick, the factories owners lobbied and paid money to ministers
campaign to get money.
Mulroney asked Fraiser to resign-they have to be responsible from their action, asking them to resign is
an easy cop out way to not take accountability-this was a huge deal (both Fraiser and Mulroney were
involved in the scandal).
In this case Fraiser should have resigned on his own account, what goes on in cabinet is very confusing
when using power wisely (he should have been fired and Mulroney should have taken accountability for
this scandal, taking initiative).
Mulroney's actions did not make him popular, Fraiser then became a speaker for the HOC.
Mulroneys Ministers
A lot of his cabinet minsters lost an average of 1 cabinet minister per year because of some sort of
Found guilty of impaired driving
Used a tax payers credit card at a strip club while on a state visit
Joke about gun in plane-told to resign
A lot of other examples as well-these things are unnecessary,
APEC Inquiry7.
Airbus 8.
Billion-Dollar Boondoggle 9.
Modern Scandals? Robocall, F-15 jets, Senate scandal
Code of Ethics
Drawbacks of Codes of Ethics
broad ethical principles are often difficult to apply to specific situations; -what precisely does it mean to
practice to put loyalty to the highest moral and to country
even if they contain detailed provisions, codes are difficult to enforce; 2)
the large scale and complexity of government make it difficult to draft codes that can be applied fairly and
they adversely affect the individual rights and private lives of public officials4)
certain ethical and value issues are not amenable to management5)
Benefits of Codes of Ethics
1) unwritten rules make content and penalties open to debate;
2) they can promote public trust and confidence in the ethical behaviour of public officials;
3) they can reduce unethical practices by discouraging and punishing them;
4) they can sensitise public officials to the importance of the ethical and value dimensions of their decisions and
5) the rights and participation of public officials may be enhanced (such as political partisanship and outside
Ethics Commissioner:Office of conflict of interest and Ethics Commission -official appointed by government to
oversee rules and codes governing public conduct
Ethics Commissioner
Enforces Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for Canada
appointed by Prime Minister
Values and Ethics Code for Public Servants/ House of Commons/Politicians
Public Interest
Public interest -the best possible accommodation of conflicting interests
Criteria of Judgement
1) legitimacy-actors of the political system have the right to demand certain actions
2) expediency assess the relative strengths of sanctions, which political actors may impose
3) morality you need to engage in resolving conflicts based on values of the highest moral and ethical principles
Objectively Responsible Bureaucrats -feel responsible primarily to the legal or formal locus of authority and take
a passive approach to the determination of the public interest.
Subjectively Responsible Bureaucrats -feel responsibility to a broad range of policy participants and are active in
the pursuit of the public interest.
Accountability those who hold government power must be answerable and responsive to the people for the way in
which that power is exercised.
Four Components of Accountability
1) assignment of responsibilities;
2) obligation to answer for their fulfilment;
3) evaluation of the performance of the responsibilities;
4) sanctions/rewards based on the evaluation.
Creation of Ethics Commissioner
Guidelines on Cabinet Minster’s Personal Political Activities office of privacy commission -
Open Government -https://pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2015/11/27/open-and-accountable-government
Respect for Democracy
Respect for People
W8 Mechanism of Bureaucracy, Ethics, Accountability & Corruption in Canadian Politics
Wednesday,* March*7,*2018 7:58*AM
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Mechanism of Bureaucracy, Ethics, Accountability & Corruption in Canadian Politics
Conflict of Interest
Conflict of interest -a situation in which a public official has a personal interest sufficient to influence, or to
appear to influence, the objective exercise of his or her official duties.
Types of Conflicts of Interest
accepting benefits; 1.
outside employment moonlighting 2.
Code of Ethics -a statement of principles and standards about the right conduct of public officials
Federal Government Code
Top 10 Political Scandals
The Pacific Scandal
Occurred under 1st PM-John Macdonald
Lots of patronage, negativism (I scratch your back you scratch mine)
Things were diff in 1973, he was trying to build a railway -try to ask for a bid of contracts, contractor
w/best offer will win bid
Hue Ellen wanted to win gov't contract, he started bribing PM, started as small amounts-towards the
end PM started asking for more
PM asked sr. Hue Ellen, asked for $10,000 and this ended bid.
Lost election because of this scandal.
King-Byng Affair
When Makenzie King was PM
He went to Gov Gen, he said no to calling an election, this became an affair more than a scandal bc
Governor General said no to a prime minister.
King's gov was corrupt, Gov Gen felt as if it was best not to call another election
Gerda Munsinger Scandal
1970's, during the height of the Cold War
Early 60's lot of communication bw Canada, US, Europe-due to exchange policies (esp nuclear policies)
Gerda: intelligent woman who had an affair with the defence minister, people were concerned that she
was a spy, which caused her to swoop around to find secret info relating to the cold war to report to
Defence Minister having this affair with her, denied it, there was lots of proof that he was seen socially
w this women. He was told to resign because of the infringement of national security.
Canadas first spy & sex scandal,
Hospital Document Scandal
Cabinet Minister forged abortion papers for a girl that he was having an affair with
Resigned his position as a cabinet minister
He never got charged
Delt with the minister of fisheries, one of the things to do as a part of your job are to sign off on any
new types of food released from a factory
Overturned an order from his own inspectors from the StarKiss Tuna Factory, the minister ignored the
inspectors claims saying it was bad because he knew he was going to get money from it
A few people ate the tuna and got very sick, the factories owners lobbied and paid money to ministers
campaign to get money.
Mulroney asked Fraiser to resign-they have to be responsible from their action, asking them to resign is
an easy cop out way to not take accountability-this was a huge deal (both Fraiser and Mulroney were
involved in the scandal).
In this case Fraiser should have resigned on his own account, what goes on in cabinet is very confusing
when using power wisely (he should have been fired and Mulroney should have taken accountability for
this scandal, taking initiative).
Mulroney's actions did not make him popular, Fraiser then became a speaker for the HOC.
Mulroneys Ministers
A lot of his cabinet minsters lost an average of 1 cabinet minister per year because of some sort of
Found guilty of impaired driving
Used a tax payers credit card at a strip club while on a state visit
Joke about gun in plane-told to resign
A lot of other examples as well-these things are unnecessary,
APEC Inquiry7.
Airbus 8.
Billion-Dollar Boondoggle 9.
Modern Scandals? Robocall, F-15 jets, Senate scandal
Code of Ethics
Drawbacks of Codes of Ethics
broad ethical principles are often difficult to apply to specific situations; -what precisely does it mean to
practice to put loyalty to the highest moral and to country
even if they contain detailed provisions, codes are difficult to enforce; 2)
the large scale and complexity of government make it difficult to draft codes that can be applied fairly and
they adversely affect the individual rights and private lives of public officials4)
certain ethical and value issues are not amenable to management5)
Benefits of Codes of Ethics
1) unwritten rules make content and penalties open to debate;
2) they can promote public trust and confidence in the ethical behaviour of public officials;
3) they can reduce unethical practices by discouraging and punishing them;
4) they can sensitise public officials to the importance of the ethical and value dimensions of their decisions and
5) the rights and participation of public officials may be enhanced (such as political partisanship and outside
Ethics Commissioner:Office of conflict of interest and Ethics Commission -official appointed by government to
oversee rules and codes governing public conduct
Ethics Commissioner
Enforces Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for Canada
appointed by Prime Minister
Values and Ethics Code for Public Servants/ House of Commons/Politicians
Public Interest
Public interest -the best possible accommodation of conflicting interests
Criteria of Judgement
1) legitimacy-actors of the political system have the right to demand certain actions
2) expediency assess the relative strengths of sanctions, which political actors may impose
3) morality you need to engage in resolving conflicts based on values of the highest moral and ethical principles
Objectively Responsible Bureaucrats -feel responsible primarily to the legal or formal locus of authority and take
a passive approach to the determination of the public interest.
Subjectively Responsible Bureaucrats -feel responsibility to a broad range of policy participants and are active in
the pursuit of the public interest.
Accountability those who hold government power must be answerable and responsive to the people for the way in
which that power is exercised.
Four Components of Accountability
1) assignment of responsibilities;
2) obligation to answer for their fulfilment;
3) evaluation of the performance of the responsibilities;
4) sanctions/rewards based on the evaluation.
Creation of Ethics Commissioner
Guidelines on Cabinet Minster’s Personal Political Activities office of privacy commission -
Open Government -https://pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2015/11/27/open-and-accountable-government
Respect for Democracy
Respect for People
W8 Mechanism of Bureaucracy, Ethics, Accountability & Corruption in Canadian Politics
Wednesday,* March*7,*2018 7:58*AM
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Document Summary

W8 mechanism of bureaucracy, ethics, accountability & corruption in canadian politics. Mechanism of bureaucracy, ethics, accountability & corruption in canadian politics. Conflict of interest - a situation in which a public official has a personal interest sufficient appear to influence, the objective exercise of his or her official duties. 3. accepting benefits; outside employment moonlighting post-employment. Code of ethics - a statement of principles and standards about the right conduct of public o. Lots of patronage, negativism (i scratch your back you scratch mine) Hue ellen wanted to win gov"t contract, he started bribing pm, started as small a end pm started asking for more. Pm asked sr. hue ellen, asked for ,000 and this ended bid. He went to gov gen, he said no to calling an election, this became an affair mo. Governor general said no to a prime minister. King"s gov was corrupt, gov gen felt as if it was best not to call another election.

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