PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Palatine Uvula, Narcolepsy, Brain Damage

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PSYC 101 Full Course Notes
PSYC 101 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Rem or dreaming sleep: beta waves and theta waves. Young adults: a combination of stages and stages . Sigmund freud (1856-1939): dreams are symbolic representations of repressed sexual conflict. The dream"s latent content (desires) expressed symbolically in its manifest content (plot). Allan hobson (1989): activation synthesis hypotheses: dreams reflect random activity of cerebral circuits during rem sleep. These random neural firings produce fragmentary images that our brains make sense of by creating stories. According to this view, dreams are deeply personal and reflect the particular information, capacities and tendencies already stores in our brains. Often about daily lives: traces of day"s experiences, concerns. Most people report dreaming when awakened during rem sleep. Lack of core muscle tone paralysis. Drugs that inhibit serotonin secreting neurons cause visual hallucinations. Slow wave sleep: basal forebrain region (includes preoptic area): electrical stimulations causes cats to fall asleep. Bilateral lesions in cats produces a substantial reduction of sleep time.