HIST 103 Lecture 5: Week 5 Reading.docx

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13 Mar 2014

Document Summary

Article x (10) of the league covenant (around 1919) States the need to give assistance to nations that are facing external threats. Woodrow wilson, despite advocating the 14 points effort had problem carrying this article us at that time was still strong with its policy of isolationism according to henry lodge (an. American republican) felt that if the us agreed to this policy) the us will be dragged into international conflicts. Proposed racial clause in league covenant just have to refer to wilson"s racial clause. Women"s movements and the promotion of international peace. Einstein showed his concern about wars being waged by the elites because they control the media, influence etc. Afraid that the nazis will lead the nuclear war einstein had a role in initiating the manhattan. Revolution in russia (1904 and 1905) due to the loss in the russo-japanese war + late industrialization + weak leadership the revolution also marks the proletariat movement.