PSYCH257 Lecture : Abnormal Psychology 2nd CDN edition Chapter 11

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Symptoms: delirium (hallucinations), tremors, chills, fever, nausea, aches and pains. Nicotine, crack, meth most addictive; weed, mdma, shrooms, lsd least addictive. Alcohol, cocaine, heroin) taken to alter feelings, thinking etc. Substance: chemical compounds ingested to alter mood/behavior; diff. levels of use. Use: moderate ingestion: don"t significantly interfere with social, educational, occupational functioning. Intoxication: physiological reaction, impaired judgment, mood changes, lowered motor ability. Abuse: depends on how significantly it interferes with user"s life. Substance dependence: physiologically dependent on drug; tolerance: ^ use required to produce same effect. Withdrawal: physically negative response if substance is no longer ingested; Stealing money, standing in the cold to smoke etc. Gambling: similar: show tolerance and withdrawal symptoms as well; same treatments for drug abuse may work. Cancer patients w/ morphine; some drugs easier to be addicted to. Orig. substance use = symptom of other problems; now: subtypes of diagnoses for each substance. Unsure over directionality of substance use and other disorders (ex.