SOC 214 Lecture Notes - Ritualism In The Church Of England, Anomie, Symbolic Interactionism

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Out of chicago school: mead, cooley, different from typing. Symbolic interactionism perspectives based on a micro-level analysis meaning focus is on smaller groups within society. Emphasizes how meaning" emerges out of social interaction. Focuses on changing symbols (or meanings) associated with a particular structure or institution: they become social facts at the time. Central focus of symbolic internationalist is the development of self-image, self-concept and identity. Evolved out of the symbolic internationalism theory perspective acts are deviant because people are labeled as such. Edwin lemert = social pathology: where he defines the concepts of primary/secondary deviance. Primary deviance: rule (or law) breaking that goes undetected by others. Jay walking, white collared crime, speeding, kids underage drinking, downloading movies and music from the internet, lying about tax returns, murder (serial killer), domestic abuse/violence. Secondary deviance: when the deviance is detected and results in societal reaction. The deviant" is the one who that label has successfully applied.