ZOO 2090 Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Omasum, Acrodont, Submucosa

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Lectures 17!
Diversity in Digestive System
Kardong Chapters 13
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Body or Coelomic Cavities
The spaces for heart, lungs, digestive
system and certain urogenital organs.
Function: Allows the organs to move, and
change sizes and positions.
Lining of the coelom is a serous membrane
that secretes lubricating fluid
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The space
between the
splanchnic layer
and somatic layer
develops into
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Document Summary

Kardong chapters 13 s u p p l e m e n t a r y. Body or coelomic cavities: the spaces for heart, lungs, digestive system and certain urogenital organs, function: allows the organs to move, and change sizes and positions, lining of the coelom is a serous membrane that secretes lubricating uid. The space between the splanchnic layer and somatic layer (splanchnocoel) develops into. Coelom. s u p p l e m e n t a r y. The coelom was first a simple straight space, and then partitioned along with evolution: The transverse septum separates the pericardial cavity from the pleuroperitoneal cavity. s u p p l e m e n t a r y. Pleural cavity: lung s u p p l e m e n t a r y (=peritoneal cavity) Receive, store, break down (physically and chemically), and absorb food. Vertebrates have a complete digestive tract from mouth to anus (or cloaca)