GEOG 3020 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Dependency Theory, Free Market, Neoliberalism

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22 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Two broad categories: control over practices (overt) power to establish research questions, control over ideas (covert) power to influence society. Power with working in solidarity, members of one community or different communities. Power in spite of sabotage, every individuals right to resist. Scales are ideas, not things" they"re things we impose on the world. Scales are non-exclusionary, local does not exclude global and vice versa. Scales are socially constructed you might understand the relations between scales, ask different questions on different levels. We must understand both the locality and the position on the nation- state scale. International development began as a political and economic project beginning post wwii. Development: access to clean water, food security, access to basic rights, economic and political advancement, bretton woods conference in 1944 created world bank, imf and gatt, un officially started in 1945. Institutions meant to stabilize global relations, minimize conflict. First world/third world infers a hierarchy, originated from the cold war.