BIOL 3130 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Turtle Excluder Device, Population Viability Analysis, Bycatch

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Survival -typically refers to remaining in a stage (age) class
Growth -typically refers to going from one stage class to another
Reproduction -typically refers to number of offspring per individual
(usually female)
Like most demographic analyses, PVAs focus on key birth and death processes,
acknowledging that not all have equal importance for population growth
Vital Rates:
Total population size
Brood size
*key issue: these data are 'relatively' easy to collect
Demography (what can be measured):
Vital rates determine rate of population growth
Population size at time 't' is Nt
Nt+1 = (lambda)*Nt
>1 -population is growing
<1 -population is declining
=1 -population is stable
Lambda -describes the annual population growth rate
For some species, estimate lambda = Nt+1 / Nt
Estimating Population Growth:
If population growth was the same every year, prediction would be easy but
spatial variation among populations is also present
Variation in population growth:
Model simulations only differing by SD
Starting size N0=1000
Message: larger SD --> wider range of population outcomes after 50 years
Population Growth and Prediction:
Management actions can be determined based on information about which life
stages are most important for population growth
Trampling of eggs and hatchlings on beaches
Drowning of adult turtles in fishing nets
Need to determined which of two major threats to logger head turtles is
most important
Matrix population model: see slide
Reproductive adults were most important stage
Efforts aimed at saving eggs and hatchlings would not reverse
population declines even if they were 100% effective
PVAs using population data determined the contributions of different life
stages to population growth:
Putting turtle excluder devices in fishing nets to prevent drowning would
produce recovery even if it didn’t eliminate all mortality
Crouse et al. and Crowder et al. used PVAs to assist with management of
threatened logger head turtles in southeastern US
Identifying Key Life Stages:
27 million tons annually (conservative estimate)
Long-lived species (albatross, sea turtle)
Low absolute rates of bycatch X huge number of fishers = 10,000 black-
footed Albatross per year in north Pacific
Fishing Bycatch: 1/3 -1/4 of all catch
5:1 ratio of bycatch:shrimp
70,000 bycatch individuals discarded per night in Australian prawn fishery
Shrimp Trawling (the worst!!!)
Sustainable Harvesting:
Feb 2003: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) issues regulations
requiring the US shrimp trawling fleet to install larger turtle excluder device
(TED) openings
Allows turtles to escape while sending shrimp to a pocket at end of net
TED: escape hatch near end of shrimp net
Existing TEDs are too small for large sea turtles
The rule mandates the use of TEDs designed to better protect all sea turtle size
classes while having the least economic impact on the shrimp fishery
Shrimp trawling is the single largest documented source of sea turtle mortality in
Sustainable Exploitation: Proposed TED rule would better protect sea turtles
Doing a lot with a little -data limitations1.
A little variation in reproductive success can have huge impacts on population
Not all life stages are equally important for population growth3.
Putting it all together for conservation -managing for population growth with
limited data
Recall: PVAs
Number of juveniles (Jt) = Nt*Pjt
Successfully breeding adults (Abt) = 2*[(Jt)/(Bt)]
Number of 2nd year birds (It) = (Jt-1)*(St-1)
Potential breeding adults (Apt) = (Nt) -(Jt) -(It)
Breeding ratio (Rt) = (Abt)/(Apt)
Productivity (Ft) = (Jt)/(Apt)
Survival Rates (St) = [(Nt+1) -(Jt+1)] /(Nt)
Demography: if we know Nt, Bt and Pjt, we can infer:
Imagine population where Nt+1 = (lambda), and lambda=0.86 with prob 1/2(half
females) and lambda=1.16 with prob 1/2 -within a given year
Arithmetic mean of the two lambdas = 1.01 -deterministic (nonrandom) growth
N(500) = (100)(1.01^500) = 14,477
If you start with 100 individuals and population grows for 500 generations…
But population growth is subject to stochasticity (random variation)
Now imagine same population (100 individuals growing for 500 generations) but
grow rates vary stochastically either 1.16 or 0.86 among years
N(500) = (100) [ (1.16^250) * (0.86^250) ] = 54.8
So with both growing rates about equally likely from one year to the next then
population size after 500 generations is….
Larger s.d. = wider range of population outcomes
Therefore, adding variation to population growth (lambda) usually reduces
population growth
Variation in Population Growth:
However, the lack of high-quality data derived from long-term studies, and
uncertainty in model parameters and/or structure, often limit the use of
population models to only a few species of conservation concern
The ideal conservation planning approach would enable decision-makers to use
PVAs to assess the effects of management strategies and threats on all species at
the landscape level
One of the best options to quantitatively measure the benefits of alternative
conservation actions on the persistence of multiple species is to estimate
the risk of extinction faced by each species using PVA
An important shortcoming of the use of population viability analyses is
that they require extensive high quality data derived from long-term studies
and the effect of the conservation actions is generally a guess
Conserving biodiversity within limited budgets requires allocating resources to
actions that provide the highest return on investment
Selecting reserves in a network that maximizes the viability of one or more
species, communities, or ecosystems
Protected area design: optimization
Source/sink --> limit number of sinks (D>B)
White holes
Allee effects
Dangerous edges
Extinction debt
Sampling effect
How are each of these relevant for reserve design optimization?
Small reserve scenario -metapopulation dynamics were stimulated for
current conditions in which populations are constrained and managed
within individual, fenced, protected areas
Big reserve scenarioii)
Small and Big connectediii)
Big and connectediv)
Bigger and connected, but cheapv)
Biggest reserve scenario vi)
Six scenarios: population viability analysis was performed under six reserve
scenarios, which were developed according to current constraints and future
management opportunities in the study area
"Creating Larger and Better Connected Protected Areas Enhances the Persistence of
Big Game Species in the Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany Biodiversity Hotspot"
--> small overlap between protected areas and hot-spots
Population Size
Brood Size
Proportion of juveniles
You’ve been hired to write a recovery plan for the recently listed Woodland
Caribou in northern Ontario -what minimum population data would you need for
a PVA?
N after 10 years in east =(.76^5)(1.34^5)*1000=1095
N after 10 years in west = (0.97^5)(1.03^5)*500 = 497
You find demographic differences between eastern and western populations.
Eastern populations are twice as large (N=1000). In the west lambda over 10
generations ranges between 0.97 -1.03, whereas eastern populations have a
similar average range between 0.76-1.34. Describe the expected general
differences in population performance between the two populations. Why does
this happen?
This can result in inbreeding, as the number of females decrease
Population of females is declining --> total population will not persist
(without a way to reproduce)
In east: N after 10 years = (0.57^7.5)(2.12^2.5)*1000=98 (VS 1095)
In eastern populations, you find that 75% of the females have a lambda of 0.57
while the rest are highly successful over 10 year period (lambda=2.12). How
does this change the growth projections?
Practice Question:
Occurs when the harvest rate of any given population exceeds its natural
replacement rate, either through reproduction alone in closed populations or
through both reproduction and immigration from other populations
Third most important driver of freshwater fish extinction (habitat loss and
degradation have high impacts)
Forms: commercial harvests, hunting, fishing
Direct and indirect affect on biodiversity (e.g. food webs)
Populations are already weakened by climate change
Transition into Holocene
Ex. Ginseng
Ex. Carolinian parakeet -harvested for 1800 fashion (now extinct)
Over-exploitation of trees, medicinal plants and animals for their fur still
have echoing impacts today
Formed huge stands in forests along 3000km of Brazilian coast line
Source of red dye and hardwood
1500-1875: over-exploitation (economically extinct)
Only found in arboretums and a few protected areas
Message: highly abundant species can be as vulnerable as rare
Pau-brasil trees
Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Long history with humans
Current issue: technology, transportation and human population size
Before: mix of large and small predators, diverse plant community, diverse
songbird community, few large herbivores
After top carnivore removal: large predators absent, small predators
dominant, simplified plant community, lower songbird diversity, numerous
large herbivores
Trophic cascades occur when predators in a food web suppress the
abundance or alter the behavior of their prey, thereby releasing the next
lower trophic level from predation (or herbivory if the intermediate trophic
level is a herbivore)
Trophic cascade:
Transition in landings from long-lived, high trophic level, piscivorous
bottom fish --> short-lived, low trophic level invertebrates and
planktivorous pelagic fish
Leads at first to increasing catches then to a phase transition associated
with stagnating or declining catches
Present exploitation patterns are unsustainable
Fishing down marine food webs:
Abundances of great sharks that consume other elasmobranchs fell -->
increased prey species in coastal northwest Atlantic ecosystems
Cownose ray --> enhanced predation on bay scallop terminated scallop
Top-down effects may be a predictable consequence of eliminated entire
functional groups of predators
Cascading effects of the loss of apex predatory sharks from a coastal ocean:
Without predatory fish: prey fish increase --> zoo plankton decline -->
algae increase (algae blooms)
Consequences of trophic collapse:
Declines in perch and pike --> increase in smaller fish --> algal blooms
When predators were intact -10% chance of algal blooms (vs. 50%
without predatory fish)
Overfishing linked to algal blooms:
Why do we still over-exploit?
Are there solutions to this problem?
Problem: if there are only so many resources
Common -a piece of land often owned by one person/community, but over
which others can exercise certain traditional rights (such as allowing their
livestock to graze upon it)
"multiple individuals acting independently in their own self-interest
ultimately destroy a shared limited resource even where it is clear that it is
not in anyone's long term interest for this to happen"
*see prisoners dilemma
Land users cannot be relied upon to make rationale decisions, even if
its in their own best interest
Solution: strict management of global common goods via increased
government involvement and/or international regulation bodies
The tragedy of the commons:
Bolivian mahogany
Housing markets
Logging costs
DBH (diameter) of the trees, a function of logging frequency, growth
rates and site conditions
Value fluctuates in concordance with:
Optimal solution: timed cutting intervals to maximize DBH, adjust cutting
to the flow of the market, limit the number of loggers, manage regionally
rather than tree-by-tree
Actual strategy: law of diminishing returns to the ultimate detriment of the
logger and the tree
How it works in real world:
*see diagram on slide
Boom-and-bust development patterns across amazon deforestation frontier:
Competition between sustainable vs. unsustainable interest groups
Short-term benefits (political, economic)
Poor quality data for management strategies -as with species protection, so
with sustainable harvesting
A universal problem:
Enormous impacts on target species
Confounded by other co-occurring global changes (warming, invasion,
80% biomass reduction in first 15 years of the fishery
Compensatory responses of fast-growing harvested species often observed
but temporary
Large predatory fish in world's ocean now reduced by 90%
Management on present-day data masks longer term trends of decline in
world's fisheries
Rapid world-wide depletion of predatory fish communities:
Effects: trophic cascade and declines in population size
Sustainable Harvesting
Immigration & natality vs. Mortality & emigration
Reindeer introduced in 1910 on Pribilof Islands, Alaska
4 males and 22 females
After 30 years, there are 2000 individuals
--> unsustainable: intense over-grazing
8 animals left in 1950
Exponential growth:
Most populations are limited in growth at some carrying capacity (K) -the
maximum population size (density) a habitat can accommodate
Early growth is rapid before growth begins to slow
Later growth falls to zero (plateaus)
Density dependence: growth rate as a function of population size
Logistic growth model:
Maximum sustainable yield occurs at population size where population can
grow most quickly (steepest part of growth curve)
*see sustainable yield curve
Sustainable exploitation:
Abundance and Change in Populations:
Catch shares slow the race to fish
*tragedy of the commons
Yield is independent of population size
High-quota line: yield exceeds the population's surplus production
capability (where B>>D) --> ultimately leads to extinction
If quota exceeds surplus = extinction
Benefit: works if it reduced density dependence
MSY line: reasonable but risky due to data limitations (how do you know
when you're in a surplus)
Low-quota: crash possible at N1, but sustainability is most likely at N2
Constant Quota Exploitation (least effective)1)
Y = E(N) where E is exploitation rate
Yield is dependent on population size (good)
Quotas tied directly to the size of the population
Tends to happen by default as harvest efforts tend to change when yields
are low
Reactive (dog chasing own tail)
If population reaches tipping point, recovery may not occur
Assumes/depends on small populations recovering (doesn't always occur)
Proportional Exploitation2)
Take only when carrying capacity is exceeded (population is about to
Yield = number of individuals over carrying capacity
Threshold Exploitation (great; rare)3)
Sustainable Exploitation
Often lack adequate information to make models -must estimate
relationships/parameters using coarse methods (bycatch?)
*Models often implemented incorporating other functions (such as economic
Mustelid (mink, otters, badgers, wolverines, weasels, skunks)
Prey: voles, mice, birds, flying squirrels
Old growth conifer forests --> habitat loss
Range: 10-30km
Trapping -almost extinct in 1700s-1800s
Today: small population sizes, logging and on-going trapping
Protection: varies, illegal to trap in NFLD (sub-species, n=300)
Higher % young in growing population --> higher quota next year
OMNR marten harvest determined by proportion of young martens in the
population each year
Keys: cooperation and data
Sustainable Exploitation -Pine Marten
Short term economic (and political) gains
Conservation and sustainable management
$billions per year
Hundreds of millions of plant and animal specimens
International wildlife trait
Food, exotic leather goods, wooden musical instruments, timber, tourist curios,
Exploitation is depleting many species
International agreement between governments, ensuring that trade does not
threaten survival
Covers >30,000 species
Voluntary -does not take the place of national laws
CITIES -Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora (1963 by IUCN)
Between 1979-1989, the worldwide demand for ivory caused elephant
populations to decline to dangerously low levels
1977 -1.3 million
1997 -600,000
Value fell from $90 to $1.35 per pound on the black market
1989 -CITIES banned commercial trade of ivory
1996 estimate = 580,000
After 1989, the elephant population declined only by 20,000
Increased conflict between farmers and elephants as suitable habitat shrank
"sustainable" culling -approved by IUCN
BUT, no ivory collected from culled animals (or from poached animals)
could be sold
Zimbabwe, Namibia, Kenya and Botswana: $8 billion dollars worth of
surplus ivory
Kenya set fire to huge stockpile of ivory
The four nations saw themselves as victims of the skewed viewpoint of
western countries, which dominate CITIES decisions
But international conservation donations plummeted
Big battle brewing over elephants at CITIES meeting
In 1997, CITIES partially lifts trade sanctions
Appetite for ivory has again increased (China, US and Japan)
More elephants are now killed than before ban (<450,000)
8% of African elephants are now being poached every year
Risk of extinction by 2020
Case Study: African Elephant
Population Viability Analysis
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Survival -typically refers to remaining in a stage (age) class
Growth -typically refers to going from one stage class to another
Reproduction -typically refers to number of offspring per individual
(usually female)
Like most demographic analyses, PVAs focus on key birth and death processes,
acknowledging that not all have equal importance for population growth
Vital Rates:
Total population size
Brood size
Proportion of young
*key issue: these data are 'relatively' easy to collect
Demography (what can be measured):
Vital rates determine rate of population growth
Population size at time 't' is Nt
Nt+1 = (lambda)*Nt
>1 -population is growing
<1 -population is declining
=1 -population is stable
Lambda -describes the annual population growth rate
For some species, estimate lambda = Nt+1 / Nt
Estimating Population Growth:
If population growth was the same every year, prediction would be easy but
spatial variation among populations is also present
Variation in population growth:
Model simulations only differing by SD
Starting size N0=1000
Message: larger SD --> wider range of population outcomes after 50 years
Population Growth and Prediction:
Management actions can be determined based on information about which life
stages are most important for population growth
Trampling of eggs and hatchlings on beaches
Drowning of adult turtles in fishing nets
Need to determined which of two major threats to logger head turtles is
most important
Matrix population model: see slide
Reproductive adults were most important stage
Efforts aimed at saving eggs and hatchlings would not reverse
population declines even if they were 100% effective
PVAs using population data determined the contributions of different life
stages to population growth:
Putting turtle excluder devices in fishing nets to prevent drowning would
produce recovery even if it didn’t eliminate all mortality
Crouse et al. and Crowder et al. used PVAs to assist with management of
threatened logger head turtles in southeastern US
Identifying Key Life Stages:
27 million tons annually (conservative estimate)
Long-lived species (albatross, sea turtle)
Low absolute rates of bycatch X huge number of fishers = 10,000 black-
footed Albatross per year in north Pacific
Fishing Bycatch: 1/3 -1/4 of all catch
5:1 ratio of bycatch:shrimp
70,000 bycatch individuals discarded per night in Australian prawn fishery
Shrimp Trawling (the worst!!!)
Sustainable Harvesting:
Feb 2003: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) issues regulations
requiring the US shrimp trawling fleet to install larger turtle excluder device
(TED) openings
Allows turtles to escape while sending shrimp to a pocket at end of net
TED: escape hatch near end of shrimp net
Existing TEDs are too small for large sea turtles
The rule mandates the use of TEDs designed to better protect all sea turtle size
classes while having the least economic impact on the shrimp fishery
Shrimp trawling is the single largest documented source of sea turtle mortality in
Sustainable Exploitation: Proposed TED rule would better protect sea turtles
Doing a lot with a little -data limitations
A little variation in reproductive success can have huge impacts on population
Not all life stages are equally important for population growth3.
Putting it all together for conservation -managing for population growth with
limited data
Recall: PVAs
Number of juveniles (Jt) = Nt*Pjt
Successfully breeding adults (Abt) = 2*[(Jt)/(Bt)]
Number of 2nd year birds (It) = (Jt-1)*(St-1)
Potential breeding adults (Apt) = (Nt) -(Jt) -(It)
Breeding ratio (Rt) = (Abt)/(Apt)
Productivity (Ft) = (Jt)/(Apt)
Survival Rates (St) = [(Nt+1) -(Jt+1)] /(Nt)
Demography: if we know Nt, Bt and Pjt, we can infer:
Imagine population where Nt+1 = (lambda), and lambda=0.86 with prob 1/2(half
females) and lambda=1.16 with prob 1/2 -within a given year
Arithmetic mean of the two lambdas = 1.01 -deterministic (nonrandom) growth
N(500) = (100)(1.01^500) = 14,477
If you start with 100 individuals and population grows for 500 generations…
But population growth is subject to stochasticity (random variation)
Now imagine same population (100 individuals growing for 500 generations) but
grow rates vary stochastically either 1.16 or 0.86 among years
N(500) = (100) [ (1.16^250) * (0.86^250) ] = 54.8
So with both growing rates about equally likely from one year to the next then
population size after 500 generations is….
Larger s.d. = wider range of population outcomes
Therefore, adding variation to population growth (lambda) usually reduces
population growth
Variation in Population Growth:
However, the lack of high-quality data derived from long-term studies, and
uncertainty in model parameters and/or structure, often limit the use of
population models to only a few species of conservation concern
The ideal conservation planning approach would enable decision-makers to use
PVAs to assess the effects of management strategies and threats on all species at
the landscape level
One of the best options to quantitatively measure the benefits of alternative
conservation actions on the persistence of multiple species is to estimate
the risk of extinction faced by each species using PVA
An important shortcoming of the use of population viability analyses is
that they require extensive high quality data derived from long-term studies
and the effect of the conservation actions is generally a guess
Conserving biodiversity within limited budgets requires allocating resources to
actions that provide the highest return on investment
Selecting reserves in a network that maximizes the viability of one or more
species, communities, or ecosystems
Protected area design: optimization
Source/sink --> limit number of sinks (D>B)
White holes
Allee effects
Dangerous edges
Extinction debt
Sampling effect
How are each of these relevant for reserve design optimization?
Small reserve scenario -metapopulation dynamics were stimulated for
current conditions in which populations are constrained and managed
within individual, fenced, protected areas
Big reserve scenarioii)
Small and Big connectediii)
Big and connectediv)
Bigger and connected, but cheapv)
Biggest reserve scenario vi)
Six scenarios: population viability analysis was performed under six reserve
scenarios, which were developed according to current constraints and future
management opportunities in the study area
"Creating Larger and Better Connected Protected Areas Enhances the Persistence of
Big Game Species in the Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany Biodiversity Hotspot"
--> small overlap between protected areas and hot-spots
Population Size
Brood Size
Proportion of juveniles
You’ve been hired to write a recovery plan for the recently listed Woodland
Caribou in northern Ontario -what minimum population data would you need for
a PVA?
N after 10 years in east =(.76^5)(1.34^5)*1000=1095
N after 10 years in west = (0.97^5)(1.03^5)*500 = 497
You find demographic differences between eastern and western populations.
Eastern populations are twice as large (N=1000). In the west lambda over 10
generations ranges between 0.97 -1.03, whereas eastern populations have a
similar average range between 0.76-1.34. Describe the expected general
differences in population performance between the two populations. Why does
this happen?
This can result in inbreeding, as the number of females decrease
Population of females is declining --> total population will not persist
(without a way to reproduce)
In east: N after 10 years = (0.57^7.5)(2.12^2.5)*1000=98 (VS 1095)
In eastern populations, you find that 75% of the females have a lambda of 0.57
while the rest are highly successful over 10 year period (lambda=2.12). How
does this change the growth projections?
Practice Question:
Occurs when the harvest rate of any given population exceeds its natural
replacement rate, either through reproduction alone in closed populations or
through both reproduction and immigration from other populations
Third most important driver of freshwater fish extinction (habitat loss and
degradation have high impacts)
Forms: commercial harvests, hunting, fishing
Direct and indirect affect on biodiversity (e.g. food webs)
Populations are already weakened by climate change
Transition into Holocene
Ex. Ginseng
Ex. Carolinian parakeet -harvested for 1800 fashion (now extinct)
Over-exploitation of trees, medicinal plants and animals for their fur still
have echoing impacts today
Formed huge stands in forests along 3000km of Brazilian coast line
Source of red dye and hardwood
1500-1875: over-exploitation (economically extinct)
Only found in arboretums and a few protected areas
Message: highly abundant species can be as vulnerable as rare
Pau-brasil trees
Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Long history with humans
Current issue: technology, transportation and human population size
Before: mix of large and small predators, diverse plant community, diverse
songbird community, few large herbivores
After top carnivore removal: large predators absent, small predators
dominant, simplified plant community, lower songbird diversity, numerous
large herbivores
Trophic cascades occur when predators in a food web suppress the
abundance or alter the behavior of their prey, thereby releasing the next
lower trophic level from predation (or herbivory if the intermediate trophic
level is a herbivore)
Trophic cascade:
Transition in landings from long-lived, high trophic level, piscivorous
bottom fish --> short-lived, low trophic level invertebrates and
planktivorous pelagic fish
Leads at first to increasing catches then to a phase transition associated
with stagnating or declining catches
Present exploitation patterns are unsustainable
Fishing down marine food webs:
Abundances of great sharks that consume other elasmobranchs fell -->
increased prey species in coastal northwest Atlantic ecosystems
Cownose ray --> enhanced predation on bay scallop terminated scallop
Top-down effects may be a predictable consequence of eliminated entire
functional groups of predators
Cascading effects of the loss of apex predatory sharks from a coastal ocean:
Without predatory fish: prey fish increase --> zoo plankton decline -->
algae increase (algae blooms)
Consequences of trophic collapse:
Declines in perch and pike --> increase in smaller fish --> algal blooms
When predators were intact -10% chance of algal blooms (vs. 50%
without predatory fish)
Overfishing linked to algal blooms:
Why do we still over-exploit?
Are there solutions to this problem?
Problem: if there are only so many resources
Common -a piece of land often owned by one person/community, but over
which others can exercise certain traditional rights (such as allowing their
livestock to graze upon it)
"multiple individuals acting independently in their own self-interest
ultimately destroy a shared limited resource even where it is clear that it is
not in anyone's long term interest for this to happen"
*see prisoners dilemma
Land users cannot be relied upon to make rationale decisions, even if
its in their own best interest
Solution: strict management of global common goods via increased
government involvement and/or international regulation bodies
The tragedy of the commons:
Bolivian mahogany
Housing markets
Logging costs
DBH (diameter) of the trees, a function of logging frequency, growth
rates and site conditions
Value fluctuates in concordance with:
Optimal solution: timed cutting intervals to maximize DBH, adjust cutting
to the flow of the market, limit the number of loggers, manage regionally
rather than tree-by-tree
Actual strategy: law of diminishing returns to the ultimate detriment of the
logger and the tree
How it works in real world:
*see diagram on slide
Boom-and-bust development patterns across amazon deforestation frontier:
Competition between sustainable vs. unsustainable interest groups
Short-term benefits (political, economic)
Poor quality data for management strategies -as with species protection, so
with sustainable harvesting
A universal problem:
Enormous impacts on target species
Confounded by other co-occurring global changes (warming, invasion,
80% biomass reduction in first 15 years of the fishery
Compensatory responses of fast-growing harvested species often observed
but temporary
Large predatory fish in world's ocean now reduced by 90%
Management on present-day data masks longer term trends of decline in
world's fisheries
Rapid world-wide depletion of predatory fish communities:
Effects: trophic cascade and declines in population size
Sustainable Harvesting
Immigration & natality vs. Mortality & emigration
Reindeer introduced in 1910 on Pribilof Islands, Alaska
4 males and 22 females
After 30 years, there are 2000 individuals
--> unsustainable: intense over-grazing
8 animals left in 1950
Exponential growth:
Most populations are limited in growth at some carrying capacity (K) -the
maximum population size (density) a habitat can accommodate
Early growth is rapid before growth begins to slow
Later growth falls to zero (plateaus)
Density dependence: growth rate as a function of population size
Logistic growth model:
Maximum sustainable yield occurs at population size where population can
grow most quickly (steepest part of growth curve)
*see sustainable yield curve
Sustainable exploitation:
Abundance and Change in Populations:
Catch shares slow the race to fish
*tragedy of the commons
Yield is independent of population size
High-quota line: yield exceeds the population's surplus production
capability (where B>>D) --> ultimately leads to extinction
If quota exceeds surplus = extinction
Benefit: works if it reduced density dependence
MSY line: reasonable but risky due to data limitations (how do you know
when you're in a surplus)
Low-quota: crash possible at N1, but sustainability is most likely at N2
Constant Quota Exploitation (least effective)1)
Y = E(N) where E is exploitation rate
Yield is dependent on population size (good)
Quotas tied directly to the size of the population
Tends to happen by default as harvest efforts tend to change when yields
are low
Reactive (dog chasing own tail)
If population reaches tipping point, recovery may not occur
Assumes/depends on small populations recovering (doesn't always occur)
Proportional Exploitation2)
Take only when carrying capacity is exceeded (population is about to
Yield = number of individuals over carrying capacity
Threshold Exploitation (great; rare)3)
Sustainable Exploitation
Often lack adequate information to make models -must estimate
relationships/parameters using coarse methods (bycatch?)
*Models often implemented incorporating other functions (such as economic
Mustelid (mink, otters, badgers, wolverines, weasels, skunks)
Prey: voles, mice, birds, flying squirrels
Old growth conifer forests --> habitat loss
Range: 10-30km
Trapping -almost extinct in 1700s-1800s
Today: small population sizes, logging and on-going trapping
Protection: varies, illegal to trap in NFLD (sub-species, n=300)
Higher % young in growing population --> higher quota next year
OMNR marten harvest determined by proportion of young martens in the
population each year
Keys: cooperation and data
Sustainable Exploitation -Pine Marten
Short term economic (and political) gains
Conservation and sustainable management
$billions per year
Hundreds of millions of plant and animal specimens
International wildlife trait
Food, exotic leather goods, wooden musical instruments, timber, tourist curios,
Exploitation is depleting many species
International agreement between governments, ensuring that trade does not
threaten survival
Covers >30,000 species
Voluntary -does not take the place of national laws
CITIES -Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora (1963 by IUCN)
Between 1979-1989, the worldwide demand for ivory caused elephant
populations to decline to dangerously low levels
1977 -1.3 million
1997 -600,000
Value fell from $90 to $1.35 per pound on the black market
1989 -CITIES banned commercial trade of ivory
1996 estimate = 580,000
After 1989, the elephant population declined only by 20,000
Increased conflict between farmers and elephants as suitable habitat shrank
"sustainable" culling -approved by IUCN
BUT, no ivory collected from culled animals (or from poached animals)
could be sold
Zimbabwe, Namibia, Kenya and Botswana: $8 billion dollars worth of
surplus ivory
Kenya set fire to huge stockpile of ivory
The four nations saw themselves as victims of the skewed viewpoint of
western countries, which dominate CITIES decisions
But international conservation donations plummeted
Big battle brewing over elephants at CITIES meeting
In 1997, CITIES partially lifts trade sanctions
Appetite for ivory has again increased (China, US and Japan)
More elephants are now killed than before ban (<450,000)
8% of African elephants are now being poached every year
Risk of extinction by 2020
Case Study: African Elephant
Population Viability Analysis
Saturday,*March*25,*2017 11:37*AM
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Survival -typically refers to remaining in a stage (age) class
Growth -typically refers to going from one stage class to another
Reproduction -typically refers to number of offspring per individual
(usually female)
Like most demographic analyses, PVAs focus on key birth and death processes,
acknowledging that not all have equal importance for population growth
Vital Rates:
Total population size
Brood size
Proportion of young
*key issue: these data are 'relatively' easy to collect
Demography (what can be measured):
Vital rates determine rate of population growth
Population size at time 't' is Nt
Nt+1 = (lambda)*Nt
>1 -population is growing
<1 -population is declining
=1 -population is stable
Lambda -describes the annual population growth rate
For some species, estimate lambda = Nt+1 / Nt
Estimating Population Growth:
If population growth was the same every year, prediction would be easy but
spatial variation among populations is also present
Variation in population growth:
Model simulations only differing by SD
Starting size N0=1000
Message: larger SD --> wider range of population outcomes after 50 years
Population Growth and Prediction:
Management actions can be determined based on information about which life
stages are most important for population growth
Trampling of eggs and hatchlings on beaches
Drowning of adult turtles in fishing nets
Need to determined which of two major threats to logger head turtles is
most important
Matrix population model: see slide
Reproductive adults were most important stage
Efforts aimed at saving eggs and hatchlings would not reverse
population declines even if they were 100% effective
PVAs using population data determined the contributions of different life
stages to population growth:
Putting turtle excluder devices in fishing nets to prevent drowning would
produce recovery even if it didn’t eliminate all mortality
Crouse et al. and Crowder et al. used PVAs to assist with management of
threatened logger head turtles in southeastern US
Identifying Key Life Stages:
27 million tons annually (conservative estimate)
Long-lived species (albatross, sea turtle)
Low absolute rates of bycatch X huge number of fishers = 10,000 black-
footed Albatross per year in north Pacific
Fishing Bycatch: 1/3 -1/4 of all catch
5:1 ratio of bycatch:shrimp
70,000 bycatch individuals discarded per night in Australian prawn fishery
Shrimp Trawling (the worst!!!)
Sustainable Harvesting:
Feb 2003: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) issues regulations
requiring the US shrimp trawling fleet to install larger turtle excluder device
(TED) openings
Allows turtles to escape while sending shrimp to a pocket at end of net
TED: escape hatch near end of shrimp net
Existing TEDs are too small for large sea turtles
The rule mandates the use of TEDs designed to better protect all sea turtle size
classes while having the least economic impact on the shrimp fishery
Shrimp trawling is the single largest documented source of sea turtle mortality in
Sustainable Exploitation: Proposed TED rule would better protect sea turtles
Doing a lot with a little -data limitations1.
A little variation in reproductive success can have huge impacts on population
Not all life stages are equally important for population growth
Putting it all together for conservation -managing for population growth with
limited data
Recall: PVAs
Number of juveniles (Jt) = Nt*Pjt
Successfully breeding adults (Abt) = 2*[(Jt)/(Bt)]
Number of 2nd year birds (It) = (Jt-1)*(St-1)
Potential breeding adults (Apt) = (Nt) -(Jt) -(It)
Breeding ratio (Rt) = (Abt)/(Apt)
Productivity (Ft) = (Jt)/(Apt)
Survival Rates (St) = [(Nt+1) -(Jt+1)] /(Nt)
Demography: if we know Nt, Bt and Pjt, we can infer:
Imagine population where Nt+1 = (lambda), and lambda=0.86 with prob 1/2(half
females) and lambda=1.16 with prob 1/2 -within a given year
Arithmetic mean of the two lambdas = 1.01 -deterministic (nonrandom) growth
N(500) = (100)(1.01^500) = 14,477
If you start with 100 individuals and population grows for 500 generations…
But population growth is subject to stochasticity (random variation)
Now imagine same population (100 individuals growing for 500 generations) but
grow rates vary stochastically either 1.16 or 0.86 among years
N(500) = (100) [ (1.16^250) * (0.86^250) ] = 54.8
So with both growing rates about equally likely from one year to the next then
population size after 500 generations is….
Larger s.d. = wider range of population outcomes
Therefore, adding variation to population growth (lambda) usually reduces
population growth
Variation in Population Growth:
However, the lack of high-quality data derived from long-term studies, and
uncertainty in model parameters and/or structure, often limit the use of
population models to only a few species of conservation concern
The ideal conservation planning approach would enable decision-makers to use
PVAs to assess the effects of management strategies and threats on all species at
the landscape level
One of the best options to quantitatively measure the benefits of alternative
conservation actions on the persistence of multiple species is to estimate
the risk of extinction faced by each species using PVA
An important shortcoming of the use of population viability analyses is
that they require extensive high quality data derived from long-term studies
and the effect of the conservation actions is generally a guess
Conserving biodiversity within limited budgets requires allocating resources to
actions that provide the highest return on investment
Selecting reserves in a network that maximizes the viability of one or more
species, communities, or ecosystems
Protected area design: optimization
Source/sink --> limit number of sinks (D>B)
White holes
Allee effects
Dangerous edges
Extinction debt
Sampling effect
How are each of these relevant for reserve design optimization?
Small reserve scenario -metapopulation dynamics were stimulated for
current conditions in which populations are constrained and managed
within individual, fenced, protected areas
Big reserve scenarioii)
Small and Big connectediii)
Big and connectediv)
Bigger and connected, but cheapv)
Biggest reserve scenario vi)
Six scenarios: population viability analysis was performed under six reserve
scenarios, which were developed according to current constraints and future
management opportunities in the study area
"Creating Larger and Better Connected Protected Areas Enhances the Persistence of
Big Game Species in the Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany Biodiversity Hotspot"
--> small overlap between protected areas and hot-spots
Population Size
Brood Size
Proportion of juveniles
You’ve been hired to write a recovery plan for the recently listed Woodland
Caribou in northern Ontario -what minimum population data would you need for
a PVA?
N after 10 years in east =(.76^5)(1.34^5)*1000=1095
N after 10 years in west = (0.97^5)(1.03^5)*500 = 497
You find demographic differences between eastern and western populations.
Eastern populations are twice as large (N=1000). In the west lambda over 10
generations ranges between 0.97 -1.03, whereas eastern populations have a
similar average range between 0.76-1.34. Describe the expected general
differences in population performance between the two populations. Why does
this happen?
This can result in inbreeding, as the number of females decrease
Population of females is declining --> total population will not persist
(without a way to reproduce)
In east: N after 10 years = (0.57^7.5)(2.12^2.5)*1000=98 (VS 1095)
In eastern populations, you find that 75% of the females have a lambda of 0.57
while the rest are highly successful over 10 year period (lambda=2.12). How
does this change the growth projections?
Practice Question:
Occurs when the harvest rate of any given population exceeds its natural
replacement rate, either through reproduction alone in closed populations or
through both reproduction and immigration from other populations
Third most important driver of freshwater fish extinction (habitat loss and
degradation have high impacts)
Forms: commercial harvests, hunting, fishing
Direct and indirect affect on biodiversity (e.g. food webs)
Populations are already weakened by climate change
Transition into Holocene
Ex. Ginseng
Ex. Carolinian parakeet -harvested for 1800 fashion (now extinct)
Over-exploitation of trees, medicinal plants and animals for their fur still
have echoing impacts today
Formed huge stands in forests along 3000km of Brazilian coast line
Source of red dye and hardwood
1500-1875: over-exploitation (economically extinct)
Only found in arboretums and a few protected areas
Message: highly abundant species can be as vulnerable as rare
Pau-brasil trees
Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Long history with humans
Current issue: technology, transportation and human population size
Before: mix of large and small predators, diverse plant community, diverse
songbird community, few large herbivores
After top carnivore removal: large predators absent, small predators
dominant, simplified plant community, lower songbird diversity, numerous
large herbivores
Trophic cascades occur when predators in a food web suppress the
abundance or alter the behavior of their prey, thereby releasing the next
lower trophic level from predation (or herbivory if the intermediate trophic
level is a herbivore)
Trophic cascade:
Transition in landings from long-lived, high trophic level, piscivorous
bottom fish --> short-lived, low trophic level invertebrates and
planktivorous pelagic fish
Leads at first to increasing catches then to a phase transition associated
with stagnating or declining catches
Present exploitation patterns are unsustainable
Fishing down marine food webs:
Abundances of great sharks that consume other elasmobranchs fell -->
increased prey species in coastal northwest Atlantic ecosystems
Cownose ray --> enhanced predation on bay scallop terminated scallop
Top-down effects may be a predictable consequence of eliminated entire
functional groups of predators
Cascading effects of the loss of apex predatory sharks from a coastal ocean:
Without predatory fish: prey fish increase --> zoo plankton decline -->
algae increase (algae blooms)
Consequences of trophic collapse:
Declines in perch and pike --> increase in smaller fish --> algal blooms
When predators were intact -10% chance of algal blooms (vs. 50%
without predatory fish)
Overfishing linked to algal blooms:
Why do we still over-exploit?
Are there solutions to this problem?
Problem: if there are only so many resources
Common -a piece of land often owned by one person/community, but over
which others can exercise certain traditional rights (such as allowing their
livestock to graze upon it)
"multiple individuals acting independently in their own self-interest
ultimately destroy a shared limited resource even where it is clear that it is
not in anyone's long term interest for this to happen"
*see prisoners dilemma
Land users cannot be relied upon to make rationale decisions, even if
its in their own best interest
Solution: strict management of global common goods via increased
government involvement and/or international regulation bodies
The tragedy of the commons:
Bolivian mahogany
Housing markets
Logging costs
DBH (diameter) of the trees, a function of logging frequency, growth
rates and site conditions
Value fluctuates in concordance with:
Optimal solution: timed cutting intervals to maximize DBH, adjust cutting
to the flow of the market, limit the number of loggers, manage regionally
rather than tree-by-tree
Actual strategy: law of diminishing returns to the ultimate detriment of the
logger and the tree
How it works in real world:
*see diagram on slide
Boom-and-bust development patterns across amazon deforestation frontier:
Competition between sustainable vs. unsustainable interest groups
Short-term benefits (political, economic)
Poor quality data for management strategies -as with species protection, so
with sustainable harvesting
A universal problem:
Enormous impacts on target species
Confounded by other co-occurring global changes (warming, invasion,
80% biomass reduction in first 15 years of the fishery
Compensatory responses of fast-growing harvested species often observed
but temporary
Large predatory fish in world's ocean now reduced by 90%
Management on present-day data masks longer term trends of decline in
world's fisheries
Rapid world-wide depletion of predatory fish communities:
Effects: trophic cascade and declines in population size
Sustainable Harvesting
Immigration & natality vs. Mortality & emigration
Reindeer introduced in 1910 on Pribilof Islands, Alaska
4 males and 22 females
After 30 years, there are 2000 individuals
--> unsustainable: intense over-grazing
8 animals left in 1950
Exponential growth:
Most populations are limited in growth at some carrying capacity (K) -the
maximum population size (density) a habitat can accommodate
Early growth is rapid before growth begins to slow
Later growth falls to zero (plateaus)
Density dependence: growth rate as a function of population size
Logistic growth model:
Maximum sustainable yield occurs at population size where population can
grow most quickly (steepest part of growth curve)
*see sustainable yield curve
Sustainable exploitation:
Abundance and Change in Populations:
Catch shares slow the race to fish
*tragedy of the commons
Yield is independent of population size
High-quota line: yield exceeds the population's surplus production
capability (where B>>D) --> ultimately leads to extinction
If quota exceeds surplus = extinction
Benefit: works if it reduced density dependence
MSY line: reasonable but risky due to data limitations (how do you know
when you're in a surplus)
Low-quota: crash possible at N1, but sustainability is most likely at N2
Constant Quota Exploitation (least effective)1)
Y = E(N) where E is exploitation rate
Yield is dependent on population size (good)
Quotas tied directly to the size of the population
Tends to happen by default as harvest efforts tend to change when yields
are low
Reactive (dog chasing own tail)
If population reaches tipping point, recovery may not occur
Assumes/depends on small populations recovering (doesn't always occur)
Proportional Exploitation2)
Take only when carrying capacity is exceeded (population is about to
Yield = number of individuals over carrying capacity
Threshold Exploitation (great; rare)3)
Sustainable Exploitation
Often lack adequate information to make models -must estimate
relationships/parameters using coarse methods (bycatch?)
*Models often implemented incorporating other functions (such as economic
Mustelid (mink, otters, badgers, wolverines, weasels, skunks)
Prey: voles, mice, birds, flying squirrels
Old growth conifer forests --> habitat loss
Range: 10-30km
Trapping -almost extinct in 1700s-1800s
Today: small population sizes, logging and on-going trapping
Protection: varies, illegal to trap in NFLD (sub-species, n=300)
Higher % young in growing population --> higher quota next year
OMNR marten harvest determined by proportion of young martens in the
population each year
Keys: cooperation and data
Sustainable Exploitation -Pine Marten
Short term economic (and political) gains
Conservation and sustainable management
$billions per year
Hundreds of millions of plant and animal specimens
International wildlife trait
Food, exotic leather goods, wooden musical instruments, timber, tourist curios,
Exploitation is depleting many species
International agreement between governments, ensuring that trade does not
threaten survival
Covers >30,000 species
Voluntary -does not take the place of national laws
CITIES -Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora (1963 by IUCN)
Between 1979-1989, the worldwide demand for ivory caused elephant
populations to decline to dangerously low levels
1977 -1.3 million
1997 -600,000
Value fell from $90 to $1.35 per pound on the black market
1989 -CITIES banned commercial trade of ivory
1996 estimate = 580,000
After 1989, the elephant population declined only by 20,000
Increased conflict between farmers and elephants as suitable habitat shrank
"sustainable" culling -approved by IUCN
BUT, no ivory collected from culled animals (or from poached animals)
could be sold
Zimbabwe, Namibia, Kenya and Botswana: $8 billion dollars worth of
surplus ivory
Kenya set fire to huge stockpile of ivory
The four nations saw themselves as victims of the skewed viewpoint of
western countries, which dominate CITIES decisions
But international conservation donations plummeted
Big battle brewing over elephants at CITIES meeting
In 1997, CITIES partially lifts trade sanctions
Appetite for ivory has again increased (China, US and Japan)
More elephants are now killed than before ban (<450,000)
8% of African elephants are now being poached every year
Risk of extinction by 2020
Case Study: African Elephant
Population Viability Analysis
Saturday,*March*25,*2017 11:37*AM
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Document Summary

Like most demographic analyses, pvas focus on key birth and death processes, acknowledging that not all have equal importance for population growth. Survival - typically refers to remaining in a stage (age) class. Growth - typically refers to going from one stage class to another. Reproduction - typically refers to number of offspring per individual (usually female) *key issue: these data are "relatively" easy to collect. Lambda - describes the annual population growth rate. For some species, estimate lambda = nt+1 / nt. If population growth was the same every year, prediction would be easy but spatial variation among populations is also present. Message: larger sd --> wider range of population outcomes after 50 years. Management actions can be determined based on information about which life. Management actions can be determined based on information about which life stages are most important for population growth.

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