HE ED110 Lecture Notes - Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Stress Management, British Association For Immediate Care
Document Summary
Stressor = threat, challenge e. g. someone chasing me. Stress = process by which we appraise and cope with the environmental threats and challenges. Stress arise less from actual events and more from our assessment from the events = appraisal: two stages, primary = initial evaluation, focuses on threat in present responses: Stressful/negative: secondary = evaluation of individual"s ability to cope with the situation evaluations: Challenge: responding to stress: processing the environment. Response to threats or dangers = stressors. Homestatic response to stressors: prepare to fight, prepare to run away. Revolved around nervous and endocrine system: nervous = sympathetic = brain, spinal cord, nerves branch off, autonomic system = get out of danger. Increased heart rate = more blood pumped. Increased peripheral vaso-constriction = blood to core parts of body. Turn off digestion, immune function = less important: endocrine = supply hormones. Adrenal glands = adrenaline = increase heart rate, blood pressure.