HE ED110 Lecture Notes - Prefrontal Cortex

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Video tutorials: why change is so hard for your brain. Can"t extinguish a bad habit only replace! Change routine to something better! e. g. learn a language instead of track habits, aware cues and rewards, keep a journal playing video games focus on developing keystone habits = habits that have the power to change other habits. How to maintain a new habit? visualize your goals, write down future problems and solutions, believe, practice, practice, practice. No magic pill for success, start today: stages of change. You are in control of your health. You can learn to make positive changes: precontemplation. No intention on changing, unaware of their negative choices, denial, defensive strategies: take a health assessment, watch a video on health, write down things to improve your health: contemplation. Know they need to change, thinking about it, some can get stuck in this stage and put it off strategies: continue to learn, get tons of information: preparation.

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