HE ED110 Lecture Notes - Lipid Profile, Health Care, Blood Sugar

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Requires: educational, organizational, environmental and financial supports, assistance to help individuals and groups build positive health attitudes and behaviors and to change negative ones. What do they have in common: all related to preventable causes. = meant to guide, advise, inform, educate: canada"s food guide. = based on extensive training and evidence-based research. = established by. : professionals dedicated to getting canadians healthier and well, safely, providing the highest quality recommendations for care. Behaviors are complex and have multiple layers to them: we do them because of all kinds of reasons to make lasting beneficial changes it helps to understand, the process of behavior, influential factors that shape behavior. Wellness based definitions of health: the biophyscosoc and spiritual perspective. Health and illness are caused by multiple factors and produce multiple effects. Health is achieved through attention to the whole" individual: biological/physical needs, psychological needs, spiritual needs improving or diminishing health impacts individually, biologically, psychologically, socially, spiritually.

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