HE ED110 Lecture Notes - Health Belief Model, Ecological Systems Theory, Social Cognitive Theory

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Week 2: video tutorials: theory of planned behaviour. Changing a behavior starts with an intention to change behavior. Behaviors are a result of your intentions. Motivation, effort to engage in a target behavior. Swap an unhealthy behavior with an healthy behavior intention is the pathway to change intention = attitudes, perceptions, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control. *health belief model = explain and predict health behavior. Unhealthy behavior is rewarding them even if it is harming them in another e. g. smoking: relieves stress or makes them look cool or sexy but bad for their lungs, expensive, causes cancer. Attitudes: relatively stable, very difficult to change. Beliefs: feed your attitude, appraisal of relationships, developed from direct experience if you want to change your attitudes, look at your beliefs. Change in behaviour personal factors: perceived severity: serious consequence, perceived benefits: positives outweighing negatives, rewarding = cues to action, perceived suseptibility: likelihood to getting ill.

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