HE ED110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Social Exclusion, Health Literacy, Health Communication

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HE ED 110: Introduction to Personal Health and Well-being
Chapter 1
1. Compare and contrast the definitions of health and wellness
2. Describe the dimensions of wellness
3. Identify major health problems in Canada today
4. Describe the influence of gender, ethnicity, income, disability, family history, and
environment on health
Defining Health
Health is the overall condition of the body or mind and the presence or absence of
illness or injury
Wellness: The New Health Goal
Wellness is optimal health and vitality, encompassing all the dimensions of well-being
Six dimensions of wellness
A first year university student sets the following goals for herself:
To manage her time to do all of her readings for classes each week
To exercise every day
To clean up garbage and plant trees in blighted neighbourhoods in her community
These goals may differ, but they have one thing in common: Each contributes, in its own
way, to this student's health and well-being. Not satisfied merely to be free of illness,
she wants more. She has decided to live actively and fully—not just to be healthy, but to
pursue a state of overall wellness.
The Key to Future Health
Improving your health
Social Determinants of Health
Social determinants of health are the factors which can influence the health of
individuals or groups
“The primary factors that shape the health of Canadians are not medical treatments or
lifestyle choices but rather the living conditions they experience.”
Social Determinants of Health Cont’d
Income and income distribution
Predisposes people to material and social deprivation
Age of death, incidence of chronic disease, and suicides rates in favor of wealthy
Better access to societal and economic resources
Increases literacy and understanding of how one can promote one’s health
Higher education, better health
Employment and working conditions
Imbalance between demands and rewards and/or control can lead to health problems
Social Determinants of Health Cont’d
Unemployment and job security
Associated with physical and mental health problems
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Document Summary

He ed 110: introduction to personal health and well-being. Chapter 1: compare and contrast the definitions of health and wellness, describe the dimensions of wellness. 3: describe the influence of gender, ethnicity, income, disability, family history, and. Identify major health problems in canada today environment on health. Defining health: health is the overall condition of the body or mind and the presence or absence of illness or injury. Wellness is optimal health and vitality, encompassing all the dimensions of well-being. A first year university student sets the following goals for herself: To manage her time to do all of her readings for classes each week. To clean up garbage and plant trees in blighted neighbourhoods in her community. These goals may differ, but they have one thing in common: each contributes, in its own way, to this student"s health and well-being. Not satisfied merely to be free of illness, she wants more.

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