HE ED110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Communication, Nonverbal Communication, Parenting Styles

Chapter 10
Learning Objectives
1. Explain the qualities that help people develop intimate relationships
2. Describe the different types of love relationships and the stages they often go through
3. Identify common challenges of forming and maintaining intimate relationships
4. Explain some elements of healthy and productive communication
5. List some characteristics of successful families and some problems families may face
Developing Close Relationships
Willingness to give of oneself - to share ideas, feelings, time, needs – and to accept what
others want to give them
Self-Concept and Self-Esteem (develops in childhood if we…)
Felt loved, valued, respected
Had our needs responded to in a reasonably appropriate way
Were able to explore and develop a sense of being separate individuals
Developing Close Relationships
Gender Role
The activities, abilities, and characteristics that our culture deems appropriate
for us based on whether we are male or female
The emotional tie between an infant and his or her caregiver or between two
people in a close relationship
Developing Close Relationships
Friendship characteristics
Love, Sex, and Intimacy
Love is one of the most basic and profound human emotions
The pleasure and pain of love
Love can be a tumultuous state of excitement, subject to wildly fluctuating
feelings of joy and despair
The transformation of love
All human relationships change over time, and love relationships are no
Challenges in Relationships
Is there hidden treasure in our relationships?
Honesty and openness
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Unequal or premature commitment
Unrealistic expectations
Expecting your partner to change
Assuming that your partner has all the same opinions, interests, and goals as you
Believing that a relationship will fulfill all of your personal, financial, intellectual,
and social needs
Challenges in Relationships
Balancing time spent together and apart
Unhealthy Relationships
Do you and your partner have more negative than positive experiences and
Are there old hurts that you or your partner cannot forgive?
Do you feel disrespected or unloved?
Do you find it hard to feel positive feelings of affection for your partner?
Does it feel as if your relationship has been a waste of time?
Ending a Relationship
Give the relationship a fair chance before breaking up
Be fair and honest
Be tactful and compassionate
If you are the rejected person, give yourself time to resolve your anger and pain
Recognize the value in the experience
Nonverbal communication
Ability to interpret nonverbal messages
Communication skills
Gender and communication
Men use conversation in a competitive way to establish dominance. Women use
conversation in a more affiliative way hoping to establish friendships.
Conflict and Conflict Resolution
1. Clarify the issue
2. Find out what each person wants
3. Determine how you both can get what you want
4. Decide how to negotiate
5. Solidify the agreements
6. Review and renegotiate
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Document Summary
Identify common challenges of forming and maintaining intimate relationships. Learning objectives: explain the qualities that help people develop intimate relationships, describe the different types of love relationships and the stages they often go through. 3: explain some elements of healthy and productive communication, list some characteristics of successful families and some problems families may face. Willingness to give of oneself - to share ideas, feelings, time, needs and to accept what others want to give them. Self-concept and self-esteem (develops in childhood if we ) Had our needs responded to in a reasonably appropriate way. Were able to explore and develop a sense of being separate individuals. The activities, abilities, and characteristics that our culture deems appropriate for us based on whether we are male or female. The emotional tie between an infant and his or her caregiver or between two people in a close relationship. Love is one of the most basic and profound human emotions.