EDSE305 Lecture : EDSE 305 Entire Term Notes

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Concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge. Include reason, memory, perception, introspection, testimony, and justified true beliefs. The study of the nature of being, becoming, existence or reality. Ideas are not only the real objects, ontologically speaking. But, they are authentically objects of knowledge, epistemologically speaking. Ontological dualism there exist the sensible world and the intelligible world. The sensible world has individual realities and is constantly changing. The intelligible world is the world of the universal, eternal, and invisible realities called ideas. The intelligible world also contain ideas of rightness. These include ideas of beauty, multiplicity, unity, identity, differences, being, etc. (aesthetic ideas). Plato locates the idea of rightness on the highest position of that intelligible world. Human behaviour depends on it and everything tends to it. Designed to shape character and produce good citizens. Emphasis on well rounded citizens, strong character, and virtues. Only the aristocratic citizens had access to education.

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