CHEM101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Electron Affinity, Sodium Oxide, Dichlorine Heptoxide

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CHEM101 Full Course Notes
CHEM101 Full Course Notes
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Ionization energy (ie) is the energy required for the complete removal of. 1 mol of electrons from 1 mol of gaseous atoms or ions. (si unit: kj/mol) Atoms with a low ie tend to form cations. Atoms with a high ie tend to form anions (except the noble gases). Across a period, ie ________________. increase in nuclear charge. Explain: be (ie = 900 kj/mol) vs. b (ie = 800 kj/mol). Considering the ionization of al and s illustrated below, explain the anomalies in ie1. E- are added to same energy level (cid:159) ineffective shielding while z increases. Zeff increases and e are held tighter. Need more energy to remove e (cid:159) larger ie. Zeff decreases so e are further away from +ve nucleus. Need less energy to remove the e (cid:159) smaller ie. Small decreases when ionization results in more stable configurations ( eg. be to b; stable 2s orbital; and n to.