MACM 101 Lecture 8: Lecture 8 Part 1_ Predicates and Quantifiers II

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Lecture 8 part 1: predicates and quantifiers ii. Q(y) = x p(x,y) every lion likes y"". R(x) is always false (say it using quantifiers: x r(x) or x ( y p(x,y)) ) S(x) = y p(x,y) lion x has favorite food"". Quantifiers can be used together with logic connectives. P(x) - car x is red"" q(x) - car x is blue"". everyone who knows a current password can log onto the network"". Q(x) - x can log onto the network"". Logic connectives can be put between quantified statements. every car is blue, or there is a red car"". P(x) - car x is blue"" ( x p(x)) ( x q(x)) for every number there is a smaller one, or there is the least number"". We use predicate x y ( x y (y x)) ( x y (x y)) Predicates and quantifiers are often used to give definitions. the mother of x is the female parent of x"".