MKT 100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Herfindahl Index, Monopolistic Competition, Htc

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MKT 100 Full Course Notes
MKT 100 Full Course Notes
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Metrics of competitive analysis: relative share measures, market share, brand mind share, brand voice share, research and development. Industry concentration /dominance measures: top 4 shares -> indices are low which is good, herfindahl index -> indices are low which is good. Examples of an oligopoly since there are a few sellers dominating the market. Class work- give an example of 3 things you have to include when you analyze competition: the advantage and disadvantage of the competition, consumer preference and economic trend, niche, market share etc. Company- cable company but they are trying to expand their expertise to a new product product development. Customers- operating in quebec and capitalize on their current customers. Collaborators- they are working with their parent company to develop this new service. S- contains a large and loyal customer base, good pricing. W- not a much experience in the market, not able to offer the apple iphone. O- able to integrate and develop a new product.