PHILOS 1B03 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Liberal Democracy

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Topics discussed the role of the canadian charter or rights in our consituional democracy terrorism and the rule of law the legal enforcement of morality legal restricions on hate speech and pornography equality assisted suicide civil disobedience. Assessment two 50 min lectures per week two essays (4-5 pages) Final exam (2 hours) combinaion of short answers and longer essay quesions. Cover the enire term, but emphasis on material covered in the later half of the course. What characterizes a philosophical quesion is not so much what it is about, but the level at which it is pitched. Can range over virtually any subject mater or ield of human inquiry. Legal scholars and pracioner wonder about the very nature of law. Challenges us to quesion our beliefs, assumpions and ideas we usually take for granted. But which can be hard to jusify or even understand. Philosophical invesigaion of foundaional ideas and beliefs takes many forms.