CHEM 3LB3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Chlorine Dioxide, Conjugate Acid, Active Ingredient

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Lecture 12 miracle mineral solution & disgusting coke facts. I"m the inventor of mms, a solution that releases small amounts of the most effective germicide known to man in the human body, yet it is totally capable of causing damage to the body. It is knows throughout the world as chlorine dioxide. j. humble. We are on the edge of eradicating most diseases that afflict mankind forever. I"d say up to 95% of all diseases caused by pathogens can be cured with mms . Miracle cure for everything from cancer to hiv/aids and autism is being promoted and sold in canada, despite health canada warnings it is unsafe for human consumption. Basic chemistry content: ld50"s, reactivity, other uses. In canada, there are at least six trained health ministers located across the country who are enthusiastically promoting mms: one bishop claims he has healed hundreds and that he has had six complete eliminations of cancer .