CHEM 1R03 Lecture Notes - Lecture 93: Protractor

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**students will be financially responsible for lost or damaged materials: preparation and organization. All teachers of grade nine students have decided to place extra emphasis on preparation and organization as key predictors of success. To be properly prepared for science students will require the following materials each day: course textbook, a binder that is only used for science notes and assignments, a pen, pencil, ruler, calculator, lined paper and protractor. As part of our emphasis on preparation and organization there will be periodic notebook checks for completeness and organization. Mr. elliott whenever it is required: students may request extra help during lunch, before school, or afterschool based on both the teacher"s and student"s availability, evaluation, unit tests: (30%, classroom work and projects: (30%) There will be 4 or 5 unit tests (one every 4 weeks). Each test will be weighted with equal value. There may be a few quests worth half of a test each.