CHEM 1R03 Lecture 30: gg - Space day 1-10

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Ask the kids for questions to try to answer in space unit time. Challenge, knowledge, military, push science and technology many of our technologies were first developed in space industry computer-transistor; fuel cells, carbon fibre, aircraft, rockets. Seasons crop planting stone henge, pyramids. Stories they didn"t have imax, they had the sky. Next time you look at a roll of bathroom tissue, you, too, may be inspired to think about the universe. One day not long ago, i found myself lost in thought, contemplating the universe, when my gaze fixed on the roll of bathroom tissue on the shelf beside me. Four hundred is a popular number in astronomy. The distance to the sun is 400 times the distance to the. Thus if you were to unroll the entire roll of bathroom tissue, the length of one tissue would represent the distance from earth to the moon, and the whole roll would be the span from earth to the.