CHEM 1R03 Lecture Notes - Lecture 34: Scavenger Hunt, Fire Extinguisher, Scientific Notation

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Application of science to satisfy needs and wants: check and take up hw whmis symbols, brainstorm science, technology, society and environment, guided discovery categories of science name some science disciplines. How planet earth is affected by science, technology and society. A group of people affected by science and technology. How will we answer these questions: scientific method develop scientific method flowchart, science definition overhead, handout together - developing a hypothesis. Take up hw: group work control vs. 10: review metric - make up some conversions to do, scientific notation review try some, sig dig, burn a candle qualitative vs. quantitative vs. inference. Scientific notation powers of 10 are used to move a decimal place. Ex)1. 7*103 vs. 1. 08*10-4 (show them how to use calculators) Measurements measure all known digits plus one guess. Significant digits are those with meaning, not just place holders. certain significant uncertain. Every scientific measurement is associated with some degree of uncertainty.