CHEM 183 Lecture 20: CHEM 183 final notes

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14 Dec 2020
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CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
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William harvey (1578-1657: an english physician, who was regarded as the father of the circulatory system, he described what happens in the body and how the heart actually is a pump and that"s what it is. It is of course very sophisticated pump, but nevertheless it is a pump. The heart: take a look at the pumping it does, essentially heart has 2 functions. It will circulate deoxygenated blood or use blood through the lungs to pick up oxygen and then will take the oxygenated blood and circulate it to the rest of the body: family history. If someone has history of stroke in the family their more prone. Interesting signs that can indicate a greater risk like this particular crease in the ear lobe. Women have more estrogen then men and menopause this decreases and after menopause women are as likely to suffer heart disease as men.