CHEM 183 Lecture Notes - Lecture 15: Glyphosate, Wright Brothers, Alltrials

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CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
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Introduction: emotions can sometimes overshadow logic, glyphosate: most widely used herbicide (known as roundup). Group 2a also incorporates hot tea as well, if taken in huge amounts: hazards are easier to measure than risks, exposure to glyphosate: adi: 0. 5 mg/kg, in urine about 4 mg/l of urine. Turns out that the average person only has 1-3 ug/l of urine. For examples, they somewhat ignored the arrival of the telegraph, the wright brothers, the telephone, the internet. It was seen that scientists were more like absent-minded professors . The thing, frankenstein, sherlock holmes and dr. kaptuchu (said to be the first horror movies). *last lecturer spoke about the 2016 presidential campaign. Prof said it was not relevant for the midterm. Lecture 8: heart and aging: egyptians: center of emotions and intellect. Risk of heart disease: family history: most important, earlobe crease is indicative of potential heart disease.