CHEM 183 Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor, Retrospective Cohort Study, Coconut Oil

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CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
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Ad treatment: ad patients seem to have less acetylcholine (ach). To increase the amount, we can give cholinesterase inhibitors: once the neurotransmitter (nt) ach has dissociated itself from its receptor, it needs to be broken down (done by cholinesterase). As such, cholinesterase inhibitors allow greater amounts of ach: figure: cholinesterase inhibitors (drugs), this is minor treatment by slowing progress of the disease (weeks, maybe months). No actual cure (yet): galantine is extracted from plants (needs prescription). Sold as memantine, but again, little actual effect. This drug blocks excess glutamate activity (another nt). Very expensive: these drugs however show some benefits: gives us the hope that we can develop another drug that can amplify the effects of these drugs, early stages: accompanied by depression and agitation, theory: large doses of vit. Harmless, but no real proof: ginkgo: increases cerebral circulation, which in theory can prevent ad. Once again, no proof of effectiveness: chinese medicine: huperzine, plant extract, cholinesterase inhibitor.