CHEM 181 Lecture Notes - Lecture 15: Cocoa Butter, Daniel Peter, Calcium Phosphate

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CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
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Canadian-french association (trade that takes care of chocolate) carried out a study. Study: would you rather have sex or chocolate 38% women and men 30% would rather have chocolate to sex. Melting point of cocoa fat 36 c and body temp is 37 c so it starts melting as soon as it hits mouth. Spaniards noticed it played a part in aztec ceremonies. Term for chocolate was xocoatl meaning bitter. Used as a form of currency- cocoa beans were a currency. Spaniards believed chocolate was an aphrodisiac and sent to europe to be used as a beverage. But sugar, vanilla, cinnamon had to be added to make it sweeter. Starts as a chocolate flower (cocoa flower) and grows on side of cocoa trees and flower eventually gets converted into a pod. Criollo variety is top of the line chocolate. They are split open and inside is the cocoa bean. Fermentation of cocoa bean when exposed to sun.