CHEM 181 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Ammonium Nitrate, Fritz Haber, Hydroponics

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Video 1
Without photosynthesis there would be no life
Plants take up CO2, water and sunlight and it makes oxygen
We eat plants (indirectly in meat - the animals eat the plant and we
eat the animal)
70% of the world up until 50 years ago was involved in farming in
some way
2% of the population supplies the food now for the rest of us
With modern fertilizers and techniques we can produce an array of
People are worried about pesticides because they are designed to
kill pests, weeds and fungi
The small amounts of chemicals needed to control the bugs
don't usually harm us
By 2050, there will be 10 billion people that need to be fed
We will have to use fertilizers and pesticides because without them
then there would not be enough food
Organic: growing crops without synthetic fertilizers and pesticides
(rely on natural means to control insects)
Not enough manure to sustain crops
Justus Von Leibig
Asked what part of manure allowed crops to grow
There were various nutrients that were needed
There were 4 major nutrients : Nitrogen, Phosphorous and
Potassium (idk what the last one is)
Numbers on fertilizer bag highlight the ratio of nitrogen,
phosphorous and potassium
Fritz Haber
Found a way to combine hydrogen and nitrogen to make
Ammonia nitrate decomposes to yield nitrous oxide which is a
greenhouse gas (prevents heat loss and contributes to global
Can grow plants without soil if you use fertilizer
Hydroponics: soilless gardening discovered by William Gericke
Can be grown in different climates and year round because it
is a greenhouse
One way to control insects is to use predatory insects
Activity 1
Fertilizers contain nutrients that are essential to plant growth. List
three nutrients that appear on the label of fertilizers.
Nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium
What is the name of the compound commonly used as a rich source
of nitrogen in synthetic fertilizers that breaks down to form nitrous
oxide, a gas associated with global warming?
Ammonium nitrate
A better understanding of the nutrient requirements of plants has
made it possible to grow plans without soil. What time of gardening
is used?
Video 2
10,000 insects species, 8,000 fungi and 2,000 weeds that compete
for our food supply
Apple scab
Fungus but is actually a cosmetic problem, people will not buy
if they have the scab on them even though there is nothing
wrong with them
Farmers have to result to chemicals to get rid of it
Botrytis food rot
Stem rust
Destroys the crop
Black spot fungus
Can affect flowers
Suck nutrients from the soil so they take away from the crops
that you are growing
Corn borer insect
Invades the corn
Destroy the roots of plants
Sulfur (insecticide)
When you burn sulfur it produces sulfur dioxide and it kills
insects and fungi
Tobacco plant
Produces nicotine, evolved to protect itself from predators
Nicotine is a natural insecticide that you can put on other
crops to keep insects away
Copper acetoarsenate -(called Paris Green) used to rid the
sewers in Paris of rats
DDT - introduced in the 20th century, effective against fleas
and other kids of insects
Also helped the allied soldiers during WWI they were
sprayed with this and were not made sick by insects
biting them
Farmers thought that using more would help their
crops grow better but this was not the case - egg shells
laid by birds broke too frequently
WHO suggested that DDT could be used to control
Malaria - spraying powder on the inside of homes
Correlation with exposure to 14 year old women and
under and risk of breast cancer
DDT has estrogen-like properties
Pesticide management and regulatory agency
Decides if a pesticide is registered it can be used in certain
Activity 2
We are constantly competing for our food. Mach each type of pest
with their potential impact on the plants and crop
The crop is inedible and/or cannot be sold because a portion
of the plant has been eaten (insects)
The fruit produced by the plant has cosmetic defects such as
scabs or discoloration make it difficult to sell and in some
cases will be destroyed (fungi)
Crop production is lower because growth is affected if the
plants are competing for nutrients in the soil (weeds)
Video 3
Nocebo effect
If you believe something is going to do you harm, there are
physical symptoms
Pesticide exposure
Can result in illness
Chemicals are brought by exposure by not wearing safe
clothing bring chemicals back on their clothes and other
people are exposed to chemicals
Pesticides can produce similar side effects to Parkinson's
Rotenone is extracted from roots and has been linked to
Parkinson's disease
Pesticides can disrupt hormones (endocrine disrupting substance)
There are hormonal effects that are demonstrated in the lab, we
eat hormone disrupting chemicals on a daily basis
WHO estimates there are 3 million pesticide poisonings worldwide
every year with 220,000 deaths but this is intentional (people use
this for suicide)
Activity 3
Which of the following scenarios is an example of the nocebo
A study if being conducted to test a new drug to treat
depression. Many of the placebo groups reported
experiencing fatigue, vomiting and muscle weakness which
were potential side effects
Health issues associated with pesticides (acute health issues - short
term 1 to 3 months and chronic - long duration lasting 6 months or
Lilly grew up in a farming community with apples and other
fruits. In her thirties, she is surprised to learn that a number
of high school friends are dealing with fertility issues. She
wonders if it may be connected to the chemicals sprayed in
the orchards controlled fungi. (Chronic Health Issue)
John has managed a large greenhouse that grows tomatoes
and other produce for 10 years. One of his responsibilities is
worker safety. He wants to review the safety procedures for
pesticide use after attending a conference that discussed the
rise in Parkinson's disease among agricultural workers
(chronic health issue)
Rose works in her garden on a daily basis. She applied a
pesticide to fight the aphids that are invading her flowers. She
develops a rash (acute health issue)
City workers are spraying to control mosquitos in a city park
where students often play after school. The same day a
number of children complain of a headache, dizziness and
abdominal plain (acute health issue)
Video 4
Herbicide has a low toxicity because it interacts with an enzyme not
found in people
Allows for reductions in pesticide use
Colony collapse disorder
Bees are disappearing
Nature is full of natural pesticides
Coffee leaves produce a chemical that protects itself against
other things
Some of these are carcinogens
Human body doesn't distinguish between synthetic and
natural substances
Organic: can't have GMO components, can't be chemically modified
People buy organic because:
It does not contain pesticide residues
They think it contains more nutrients
Environmental benefits
Organic is not pesticide free, there are pesticides that are registered
to use in organic farming but it must be naturally available
Bacillus thurigiensis bacteria
Apples can have up to 36 pesticides
80% of fresh foods tested are residue free
90% of processed foods are residue free
No significant difference in nutrients in organic and non-organic
food (conventional variety has more nutrients)
Nutrients depend on: variety type, soil quality, fertilizers, crop
rotations, maturity at harvest, transportation
Organic foods are more environmentally friendly
Environmental Impact Quotient
Look at impacts when using pesticides
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Use the best things available to help solve the problem
(sometimes it is organic and sometimes it is conventional)
Genetic modification
Creates controversy about whether GMOs are the answers to
our problems or not
Lecture 5 -Topic 1
Monday, February 19, 2018
11:08 AM
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Video 1
Without photosynthesis there would be no life
Plants take up CO2, water and sunlight and it makes oxygen
We eat plants (indirectly in meat - the animals eat the plant and we
eat the animal)
70% of the world up until 50 years ago was involved in farming in
some way
2% of the population supplies the food now for the rest of us
With modern fertilizers and techniques we can produce an array of
People are worried about pesticides because they are designed to
kill pests, weeds and fungi
The small amounts of chemicals needed to control the bugs
don't usually harm us
By 2050, there will be 10 billion people that need to be fed
We will have to use fertilizers and pesticides because without them
then there would not be enough food
Organic: growing crops without synthetic fertilizers and pesticides
(rely on natural means to control insects)
Not enough manure to sustain crops
Justus Von Leibig
Asked what part of manure allowed crops to grow
There were various nutrients that were needed
There were 4 major nutrients : Nitrogen, Phosphorous and
Potassium (idk what the last one is)
Numbers on fertilizer bag highlight the ratio of nitrogen,
phosphorous and potassium
Fritz Haber
Found a way to combine hydrogen and nitrogen to make
Ammonia nitrate decomposes to yield nitrous oxide which is a
greenhouse gas (prevents heat loss and contributes to global
Can grow plants without soil if you use fertilizer
Hydroponics: soilless gardening discovered by William Gericke
Can be grown in different climates and year round because it
is a greenhouse
One way to control insects is to use predatory insects
Activity 1
Fertilizers contain nutrients that are essential to plant growth. List
three nutrients that appear on the label of fertilizers.
Nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium
What is the name of the compound commonly used as a rich source
of nitrogen in synthetic fertilizers that breaks down to form nitrous
oxide, a gas associated with global warming?
Ammonium nitrate
A better understanding of the nutrient requirements of plants has
made it possible to grow plans without soil. What time of gardening
is used?
Video 2
10,000 insects species, 8,000 fungi and 2,000 weeds that compete
for our food supply
Apple scab
Fungus but is actually a cosmetic problem, people will not buy
if they have the scab on them even though there is nothing
wrong with them
Farmers have to result to chemicals to get rid of it
Botrytis food rot
Stem rust
Destroys the crop
Black spot fungus
Can affect flowers
Suck nutrients from the soil so they take away from the crops
that you are growing
Corn borer insect
Invades the corn
Destroy the roots of plants
Sulfur (insecticide)
When you burn sulfur it produces sulfur dioxide and it kills
insects and fungi
Tobacco plant
Produces nicotine, evolved to protect itself from predators
Nicotine is a natural insecticide that you can put on other
crops to keep insects away
Copper acetoarsenate -(called Paris Green) used to rid the
sewers in Paris of rats
DDT - introduced in the 20th century, effective against fleas
and other kids of insects
Also helped the allied soldiers during WWI they were
sprayed with this and were not made sick by insects
biting them
Farmers thought that using more would help their
crops grow better but this was not the case - egg shells
laid by birds broke too frequently
WHO suggested that DDT could be used to control
Malaria - spraying powder on the inside of homes
Correlation with exposure to 14 year old women and
under and risk of breast cancer
DDT has estrogen-like properties
Pesticide management and regulatory agency
Decides if a pesticide is registered it can be used in certain
Activity 2
We are constantly competing for our food. Mach each type of pest
with their potential impact on the plants and crop
The crop is inedible and/or cannot be sold because a portion
of the plant has been eaten (insects)
The fruit produced by the plant has cosmetic defects such as
scabs or discoloration make it difficult to sell and in some
cases will be destroyed (fungi)
Crop production is lower because growth is affected if the
plants are competing for nutrients in the soil (weeds)
Video 3
Nocebo effect
If you believe something is going to do you harm, there are
physical symptoms
Pesticide exposure
Can result in illness
Chemicals are brought by exposure by not wearing safe
clothing bring chemicals back on their clothes and other
people are exposed to chemicals
Pesticides can produce similar side effects to Parkinson's
Rotenone is extracted from roots and has been linked to
Parkinson's disease
Pesticides can disrupt hormones (endocrine disrupting substance)
There are hormonal effects that are demonstrated in the lab, we
eat hormone disrupting chemicals on a daily basis
WHO estimates there are 3 million pesticide poisonings worldwide
every year with 220,000 deaths but this is intentional (people use
this for suicide)
Activity 3
Which of the following scenarios is an example of the nocebo
A study if being conducted to test a new drug to treat
depression. Many of the placebo groups reported
experiencing fatigue, vomiting and muscle weakness which
were potential side effects
Health issues associated with pesticides (acute health issues - short
term 1 to 3 months and chronic - long duration lasting 6 months or
Lilly grew up in a farming community with apples and other
fruits. In her thirties, she is surprised to learn that a number
of high school friends are dealing with fertility issues. She
wonders if it may be connected to the chemicals sprayed in
the orchards controlled fungi. (Chronic Health Issue)
John has managed a large greenhouse that grows tomatoes
and other produce for 10 years. One of his responsibilities is
worker safety. He wants to review the safety procedures for
pesticide use after attending a conference that discussed the
rise in Parkinson's disease among agricultural workers
(chronic health issue)
Rose works in her garden on a daily basis. She applied a
pesticide to fight the aphids that are invading her flowers. She
develops a rash (acute health issue)
City workers are spraying to control mosquitos in a city park
where students often play after school. The same day a
number of children complain of a headache, dizziness and
abdominal plain (acute health issue)
Video 4
Herbicide has a low toxicity because it interacts with an enzyme not
found in people
Allows for reductions in pesticide use
Colony collapse disorder
Bees are disappearing
Nature is full of natural pesticides
Coffee leaves produce a chemical that protects itself against
other things
Some of these are carcinogens
Human body doesn't distinguish between synthetic and
natural substances
Organic: can't have GMO components, can't be chemically modified
People buy organic because:
It does not contain pesticide residues
They think it contains more nutrients
Environmental benefits
Organic is not pesticide free, there are pesticides that are registered
to use in organic farming but it must be naturally available
Bacillus thurigiensis bacteria
Apples can have up to 36 pesticides
80% of fresh foods tested are residue free
90% of processed foods are residue free
No significant difference in nutrients in organic and non-organic
food (conventional variety has more nutrients)
Nutrients depend on: variety type, soil quality, fertilizers, crop
rotations, maturity at harvest, transportation
Organic foods are more environmentally friendly
Environmental Impact Quotient
Look at impacts when using pesticides
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Use the best things available to help solve the problem
(sometimes it is organic and sometimes it is conventional)
Genetic modification
Creates controversy about whether GMOs are the answers to
our problems or not
Lecture 5 -Topic 1
Monday, February 19, 2018 11:08 AM
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CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Plants take up co2, water and sunlight and it makes oxygen. We eat plants (indirectly in meat - the animals eat the plant and we eat the animal) 70% of the world up until 50 years ago was involved in farming in some way. 2% of the population supplies the food now for the rest of us. With modern fertilizers and techniques we can produce an array of food. People are worried about pesticides because they are designed to kill pests, weeds and fungi. The small amounts of chemicals needed to control the bugs don"t usually harm us. By 2050, there will be 10 billion people that need to be fed. We will have to use fertilizers and pesticides because without them then there would not be enough food. Organic: growing crops without synthetic fertilizers and pesticides (rely on natural means to control insects) Asked what part of manure allowed crops to grow.