CHEM 181 Lecture 8: Lesson 8 topic 1

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CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
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Food can be anything people deal with on a day-to-day basis. Aim of this course to gain eprspective on what many people eat around the world. Out of 7 billion - imagine as 100. Ortorexia nervosa: obsession with eating only the right foods. 60% increase in life expectancy in last 100 years, so idea that we had less health problems is not necessarily accurate. Plumpy nut: peanut-based, fat-based, protein-based food that has long lifetime. Produced for children who do not have enough to eat by who and unesco. You are what you eat - progressively getting more specific - we are what our mothers ate, we know what we want. Good diet needs to be balanced and reasonable. Functional foods growing steadily over last 15 years. Milk - added vitamin d by the province. Functional foods tend to be much more expensive than others. Dumpster divers eating things thrown out that are still good.