CHEM 181 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Aldose, Gliadin, Fructose

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CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
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Salem, nj (1820) tomatoes were shunned, believed they were toxic! Tomatoes part of same family as belladonna plant, thus ppl. believed it was also toxic. But, robert gibbon johnson saw europeans eating tomatoes, & they survived. Aggressively introduced it to america: promised he would eat a tomato in front of audience, didn"t die, no we eat it! Tuna, sardines etc. : symptoms: tingling/burning in mouth; rash on face/upper body; throbbing headache; hives & itching of skin; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, treatment: antihistamines (benadryl, ciguatera poisoning: barracuda dine on toxic type of algae. Temperature reversal! (doesn"t kill you though: puffer fish: served as fugu in japan, but if unwell prepared, very. Phenylalanine (amino acid: rare condition, lactose intolerance, can occur at any time in life, ~ 70% of world is lactose intolerant, not same as allergy to milk (which is due to a certain protein, Ig-e: lactase enzyme is missing, thus lactose can"t be broken into.