CHEM 181 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Cellulose, Blood Sugar, Juice

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CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
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Macronutrients: carbs: made of c, h and o, fats: made of c, h and o, proteins: made of c, h, o and n, larger quantities required (based on 2000 calorie diet): 48: actual amounts are 10-15% higher than suggested for all categories except for saturated fats (4-5x more, protein & carbs have about 4 cal/g, fibers 2 cal/g and fats 9 cal/g. Changing american diet: over last 45 years, a little less dairy, fruits & veggie constant. Increase in fats & oils substantially 1990-2000: caloric sweeteners went up and then down. Increase in grains, mostly corn flour/starch/grits, but also rice: oats pretty constant. Increase in white and whole wheat flour (450 g/pound: dramatic increase in chicken consumption, decrease in beef. Increase in total added fats, mainly from salad & cooking oil: 11% increase in pounds per week in diet, overall more food available in north america.