CHEM 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: John Harvey Kellogg, Sylvester Graham, Corn Flakes

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CHEM 110 Full Course Notes
CHEM 110 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

When hippocrates established his first hospital, he built it near a stream, because watercress was growing in that stream: he thought watercress was the first superfood. By the 17th century, the idea of using watercress has blossomed. Sylvester graham (1794-1851); he was the original dr. no : no meat, because according to graham, meat was sexually inflammatory. o. Too much sex, even thinking about it, predisposed people to disease: no spices, no caffeine, no alcohol, no doctors. o. Breads need to be made from whole- grained flour. 1837 graham riot; bakers coming in with white flour and throwing it all over the audience. The world"s first anti-sex food; meat substitute; graham crackers (he did not invent it but it is named after him) o o. Dr. harvey kellogg o o a properly trained physician his tuition was paid by ellen white, one of the founders of the church of.