BIOL 215 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Marine Biology, Ordovician, Background Extinction Rate

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Even though sexual selection is a special case of natural selection, natural selection and seual election can be in direct conflict. In pools where predators - males are drab: where predators are absent: male guppies brightly colored and attract females. Lab - simulate natural conditions and add predators: wild - swap populations, after several generations, guppies raised in low - high predation environments evolve different features. Example of sexual selection - bright ones are spicy. Speciation: process by which new species arise, evolution of reproductive isolation within ancestral species, resulting in two or more. *particular concept one uses expresses their view of the role of a species in nature or the method used to delineate it as a matter of convenience. **species document diversity at a fundamental unit - higher level taxa are arbitrary designations, species are not. Insectivora (the ones eating insects) - 344 species. **pattern of speciation say something about the pattern of natural selection.