CHEM 208 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Personal Protective Equipment, Carpal Tunnel, Engineering Controls

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It is very important to note that the mere presence of a causative agent does not necessarily constitute a hazard. A causative agent is classified as hazardous in certain circumstances such as high concentration or intensity and a prolonged exposure. Know the processes and substances they are working with. Know potential hazards from these processes and substances. In order to recognize and assess the potential impact of occupational hazards, walk-through surveys are performed. Such surveys generally include a study of the following parameters in terms of their impact on the surrounding environment and thus the workers. Generally various emissions are evaluated because the emission of any physical, chemical or biological agents has the potential to be a health hazard. Equipment is generally assessed in terms of mechanical and electrical safety and the potential to create excessive noise and vibration. These include an evaluation of raw materials and finished products in terms of their physical, chemical and toxic properties and effects.