CHEM 1101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Scatter Plot, Graph Labeling, Algebraic Equation

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Number of figures and tables (including handwritten ones): Last date and time of revision: 18 november 2018. In this laboratory, bivariate statistics will be used to test the relationship between two given coupled variables. Calculations were made based off giving information to determine the correlation coefficient and estimate the quality of your fitted result with the coefficient of determination. Next, a 3rd order and 6th order polynomial equation will be made and tested to see if the results depict more accurate numbers. Estimates of the quality for the fitted results will be conducted with the coefficient of determination. Finally, educated predictions of the strengths of the new steels using each of your determined equations will be made. The significance of this experiment is to calculate, test and evaluate the relationship between two variables. If the x and y values are correlated, then this information can be used to find y for any given x value.