BUSI 2601 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Bes
Document Summary
Exit strategy: a way to get out when there are legal obligations. Ethics get involved due to people getting heated when money is involved. Must find mechanisms to find solutions to legal matters. Final exam (what is covered in textbook or in class, class examples) Society run by money, with out payments and money you are ripped apart by credit. Must register copy right or no money is made. (gundam style, smile face) Term paper 8-9 pages of a legal (70 hours 3 weeks due. Explain & study each clause and legal concept. Study policy that deals with book, contract or movie. (from ontario) Civil law (quebec : the laws they have, then theyre ar exceptions to that very law, canada slowly moving towards civil law. Legal sysytem: 1-constitution and chater: protect canadians against state abuse. Legislation that allows the government to check calls, texts and emails.